An endangered seahorse selectively chooses an artificial structure
- Claassens, Louw, Booth, Anthony J, Hodgson, Alan N
- Authors: Claassens, Louw , Booth, Anthony J , Hodgson, Alan N
- Date: 2018
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:35486 , https://doi.10.1007/s10641-018-0732-4
- Description: The development of a residential marina estate within the Knysna estuary, South Africa, introduced Reno mattresses (horizontal wire cages filled with rocks) as a novel habitat for the endangered Knysna seahorse Hippocampus capensis. Consistently high seahorse densities on these artificial structures, despite the availability of seagrass habitat, begged the question of whether this habitat was chosen by the seahorse in preference to natural vegetation. An in situ habitat choice experiment was conducted which focused on the choice made by adult H. capensis between natural vegetation (Zostera capensis) and artificial (Reno mattress) habitat within a choice chamber. Seahorses were significantly more likely to move away from Z. capensis onto a Reno mattress structure or remain on this structure. This study concludes that higher H. capensis densities on Reno mattresses within Thesen Islands Marina are owing to some positive feature of this habitat and the underlying processes responsible for the choice made by this species (additional food, holdfasts, protection) can now be investigated.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2018
- Authors: Claassens, Louw , Booth, Anthony J , Hodgson, Alan N
- Date: 2018
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:35486 , https://doi.10.1007/s10641-018-0732-4
- Description: The development of a residential marina estate within the Knysna estuary, South Africa, introduced Reno mattresses (horizontal wire cages filled with rocks) as a novel habitat for the endangered Knysna seahorse Hippocampus capensis. Consistently high seahorse densities on these artificial structures, despite the availability of seagrass habitat, begged the question of whether this habitat was chosen by the seahorse in preference to natural vegetation. An in situ habitat choice experiment was conducted which focused on the choice made by adult H. capensis between natural vegetation (Zostera capensis) and artificial (Reno mattress) habitat within a choice chamber. Seahorses were significantly more likely to move away from Z. capensis onto a Reno mattress structure or remain on this structure. This study concludes that higher H. capensis densities on Reno mattresses within Thesen Islands Marina are owing to some positive feature of this habitat and the underlying processes responsible for the choice made by this species (additional food, holdfasts, protection) can now be investigated.
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- Date Issued: 2018
Pessimistic assessment of white shark population status in South Africa: comment on Andreotti et al.(2016)
- Irion, Dylan T, Noble, Leslie R, Kock, Alison A, Gennari, Enrico, Dicken, Matthew L, Hewitt, Adrian M, Towner, Alison V, Booth, Anthony J, Smale, Malcolm J, Cliff, Geremy
- Authors: Irion, Dylan T , Noble, Leslie R , Kock, Alison A , Gennari, Enrico , Dicken, Matthew L , Hewitt, Adrian M , Towner, Alison V , Booth, Anthony J , Smale, Malcolm J , Cliff, Geremy
- Date: 2017
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier:${Handle} , vital:35799 , https://doi.10.3354/meps12283
- Description: Andreotti et al. (2016; Mar Ecol Prog Ser 552:241−253) estimate an abundance (N) of 438 white sharks Carcharodon carcharias and a contemporary effective population size (CNe) of 333 individuals along the South African coast. N was estimated by using a mark-recapture analysis of photographic identification records from a single aggregation site (Gansbaai). CNe was calculated based on the levels of pairwise linkage disequilibrium of genetic material collected from 4 aggregation sites across approximately 965 km of South African coastline. However, due to the complex stock structure of white sharks and the model assumptions made by Andreotti et al. (2016), the conclusions drawn cannot be supported by their methods and data.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2017
- Authors: Irion, Dylan T , Noble, Leslie R , Kock, Alison A , Gennari, Enrico , Dicken, Matthew L , Hewitt, Adrian M , Towner, Alison V , Booth, Anthony J , Smale, Malcolm J , Cliff, Geremy
- Date: 2017
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier:${Handle} , vital:35799 , https://doi.10.3354/meps12283
- Description: Andreotti et al. (2016; Mar Ecol Prog Ser 552:241−253) estimate an abundance (N) of 438 white sharks Carcharodon carcharias and a contemporary effective population size (CNe) of 333 individuals along the South African coast. N was estimated by using a mark-recapture analysis of photographic identification records from a single aggregation site (Gansbaai). CNe was calculated based on the levels of pairwise linkage disequilibrium of genetic material collected from 4 aggregation sites across approximately 965 km of South African coastline. However, due to the complex stock structure of white sharks and the model assumptions made by Andreotti et al. (2016), the conclusions drawn cannot be supported by their methods and data.
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- Date Issued: 2017
A description of gametogenesis in the panga Pterogymnus laniarius (Pisces: Sparidae) with comments on changes in maturity patterns over the past two decades
- Booth, Anthony J, Hecht, Thomas
- Authors: Booth, Anthony J , Hecht, Thomas
- Date: 2015
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:35452 ,
- Description: A description of gametogenesis in the panga Pferogymnus laniarius, a common endemic seabream species inhabiting the Agulhas Bank, South Africa, is presented. After sexual maturity, oogenesis and spermatogenesis continued throughout the year and were found to be similar to these processes in other seabream species and teleosts in general. Analysis of maturity data over the past two decades revealed a significant change in both age and size-at-maturity, a response to fishing pressure.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2015
- Authors: Booth, Anthony J , Hecht, Thomas
- Date: 2015
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:35452 ,
- Description: A description of gametogenesis in the panga Pferogymnus laniarius, a common endemic seabream species inhabiting the Agulhas Bank, South Africa, is presented. After sexual maturity, oogenesis and spermatogenesis continued throughout the year and were found to be similar to these processes in other seabream species and teleosts in general. Analysis of maturity data over the past two decades revealed a significant change in both age and size-at-maturity, a response to fishing pressure.
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- Date Issued: 2015
Aspects of the biology and life history of largespot pompano, Trachinotus botla, in South Africa
- Parker, Daniel M, Booth, Anthony J
- Authors: Parker, Daniel M , Booth, Anthony J
- Date: 2015
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:35499 , https://doi.10.1071/MF14029
- Description: Trachinotus botla is an important recreational surf zone-dependent fish species distributed in the Indo-west Pacific from South Africa to Australia. In South Africa it is restricted to the northern KwaZulu-Natal coast. Biological investigations revealed that it is a fast growing species that attains a maximum age of, 7 years. Males and females sexually matured in their third year. It has a protracted summer spawning season with evidence of serial spawning behaviour. T. botla is an opportunistic predator with a generalist diet, with fish feeding on a wide variety of prey items particularly those that are temporally ‘superabundant’. Small fish fed predominantly on copepods and terrestrial insects, whereas larger fish consumed bivalves and crabs. Teleosts, primarily engraulids, were important components to the diet of fish of all sizes. An ontogenetic dietary shift was observed just after sexual maturity (300-mm fork length) that is possibly linked to a change in habitat preference with larger fish foraging on deeper reefs.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2015
- Authors: Parker, Daniel M , Booth, Anthony J
- Date: 2015
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:35499 , https://doi.10.1071/MF14029
- Description: Trachinotus botla is an important recreational surf zone-dependent fish species distributed in the Indo-west Pacific from South Africa to Australia. In South Africa it is restricted to the northern KwaZulu-Natal coast. Biological investigations revealed that it is a fast growing species that attains a maximum age of, 7 years. Males and females sexually matured in their third year. It has a protracted summer spawning season with evidence of serial spawning behaviour. T. botla is an opportunistic predator with a generalist diet, with fish feeding on a wide variety of prey items particularly those that are temporally ‘superabundant’. Small fish fed predominantly on copepods and terrestrial insects, whereas larger fish consumed bivalves and crabs. Teleosts, primarily engraulids, were important components to the diet of fish of all sizes. An ontogenetic dietary shift was observed just after sexual maturity (300-mm fork length) that is possibly linked to a change in habitat preference with larger fish foraging on deeper reefs.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2015
Seasonality, behaviour and philopatry of spotted ragged tooth sharks Carcharias taurus in Eastern Cape nursery areas, South Africa
- Smale, Malcolm J, Dicken, Matthew L, Booth, Anthony J
- Authors: Smale, Malcolm J , Dicken, Matthew L , Booth, Anthony J
- Date: 2015
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:35910 , https://doi.10.2989/1814232X.2015.1043342
- Description: Spotted ragged-tooth sharks Carcharias taurus occur along the southern and eastern coasts of South Africa. We report on movements of juveniles and adults within a known nursery area on the Eastern Cape coast using acoustic telemetry. The focus area of the study was Algoa Bay, where six VEMCO VR2 ultrasonic receivers were placed at known shark aggregation sites. An additional receiver was placed at Thunderbolt Reef, approximately 2 km southwest of Cape Recife, the south-western tip of Algoa Bay. Single receivers were also deployed at Port Alfred and East London, some 45 and 170 km north-east of Algoa Bay, respectively. VEMCO acoustic V16 tags were either surgically implanted (n = 37) or attached externally using dart heads (n = 6) between January 2003 and March 2006. Surgically implanted tags were recorded over multiple months and years, whereas external tags were probably lost shortly after tagging because they were detected for very short periods. Sharks moved extensively between the sites and revisited monitored reefs over time-periods of months and years, demonstrating philopatry. Departures from and arrivals at reefs were more frequently recorded at sunset and sunrise, respectively. Sharks were detected throughout the year but they spent more time at aggregation sites during summer and autumn, indicating seasonal abundance in agreement with previous findings. Movements away from study reefs were attributed to either foraging or movements to other reefs. Despite extensive movements around the bay and beyond, both juveniles and adults exhibited philopatry to the study area over multiple years.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2015
- Authors: Smale, Malcolm J , Dicken, Matthew L , Booth, Anthony J
- Date: 2015
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:35910 , https://doi.10.2989/1814232X.2015.1043342
- Description: Spotted ragged-tooth sharks Carcharias taurus occur along the southern and eastern coasts of South Africa. We report on movements of juveniles and adults within a known nursery area on the Eastern Cape coast using acoustic telemetry. The focus area of the study was Algoa Bay, where six VEMCO VR2 ultrasonic receivers were placed at known shark aggregation sites. An additional receiver was placed at Thunderbolt Reef, approximately 2 km southwest of Cape Recife, the south-western tip of Algoa Bay. Single receivers were also deployed at Port Alfred and East London, some 45 and 170 km north-east of Algoa Bay, respectively. VEMCO acoustic V16 tags were either surgically implanted (n = 37) or attached externally using dart heads (n = 6) between January 2003 and March 2006. Surgically implanted tags were recorded over multiple months and years, whereas external tags were probably lost shortly after tagging because they were detected for very short periods. Sharks moved extensively between the sites and revisited monitored reefs over time-periods of months and years, demonstrating philopatry. Departures from and arrivals at reefs were more frequently recorded at sunset and sunrise, respectively. Sharks were detected throughout the year but they spent more time at aggregation sites during summer and autumn, indicating seasonal abundance in agreement with previous findings. Movements away from study reefs were attributed to either foraging or movements to other reefs. Despite extensive movements around the bay and beyond, both juveniles and adults exhibited philopatry to the study area over multiple years.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2015
Ocean warming affects the distribution and abundance of resident fishes by changing their reproductive scope
- Potts, Warren M, Booth, Anthony J, Richardson, Timothy J, Sauer, Warwick H H
- Authors: Potts, Warren M , Booth, Anthony J , Richardson, Timothy J , Sauer, Warwick H H
- Date: 2014
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:35775 , https://doi.10.1007/s11160-013-9329-3
- Description: With ocean warming predicted globally, one of the mechanisms driving distributional shifts and changes in the abundance of resident fishes is reproductive output. The relationship between sea surface temperature and the reproductive activity of a eurythermic, resident coastal species, blacktail seabream Diplodus sargus capensis, was examined in the ‘‘ocean warming’’ hotspot of the northern Benguela. Reproductive activity was found to be restricted to periods when the water temperature dropped below 20 _C. A metadata analysis conducted on the D. sargus sub-species complex similarly showed that reproductive activity was restricted to temperatures between 15 and 20 _C, regardless of the range in ambient water temperature. Based on these findings and using satellite derived SST information, we examined D. s. capensis’s total and seasonal ‘‘reproductive scope’’ that is defined as either the area suitable for spawning each year or the duration of its potential spawning season at a fixed geographical locality, respectively. Trends were examined over the last three decades. Reproductive scope by area was found to be shrinking at a rate of 7 % per decade in southern Angola and expanding at a rate of 6 % per decade in northern Namibia. Reproductive scope by season decreased by 1.05 months per decade in Namibe, southern Angola and increased by 0.76 months per decade in Hentiesbaai, northern Namibia. Changes in reproductive scope may be a driving mechanism of distributional shifts in resident fishes, although the rate of the shifts is likely to be slow. More importantly, changes in reproductive scope will not be uniform throughout fish distributions and will most likely result in heterogeneous variations in fish abundance.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2014
- Authors: Potts, Warren M , Booth, Anthony J , Richardson, Timothy J , Sauer, Warwick H H
- Date: 2014
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:35775 , https://doi.10.1007/s11160-013-9329-3
- Description: With ocean warming predicted globally, one of the mechanisms driving distributional shifts and changes in the abundance of resident fishes is reproductive output. The relationship between sea surface temperature and the reproductive activity of a eurythermic, resident coastal species, blacktail seabream Diplodus sargus capensis, was examined in the ‘‘ocean warming’’ hotspot of the northern Benguela. Reproductive activity was found to be restricted to periods when the water temperature dropped below 20 _C. A metadata analysis conducted on the D. sargus sub-species complex similarly showed that reproductive activity was restricted to temperatures between 15 and 20 _C, regardless of the range in ambient water temperature. Based on these findings and using satellite derived SST information, we examined D. s. capensis’s total and seasonal ‘‘reproductive scope’’ that is defined as either the area suitable for spawning each year or the duration of its potential spawning season at a fixed geographical locality, respectively. Trends were examined over the last three decades. Reproductive scope by area was found to be shrinking at a rate of 7 % per decade in southern Angola and expanding at a rate of 6 % per decade in northern Namibia. Reproductive scope by season decreased by 1.05 months per decade in Namibe, southern Angola and increased by 0.76 months per decade in Hentiesbaai, northern Namibia. Changes in reproductive scope may be a driving mechanism of distributional shifts in resident fishes, although the rate of the shifts is likely to be slow. More importantly, changes in reproductive scope will not be uniform throughout fish distributions and will most likely result in heterogeneous variations in fish abundance.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2014
Ocean warming, a rapid distributional shift, and the hybridization of a coastal fish species
- Potts, Warren M, Henriques, Romina, Santos, Carmen V D, Munnik, Kate, Ansorge, Isabelle J, Dufois, Francois, Sauer, Warwick H H, Booth, Anthony J, Kirchner, Carola, Shaw, Paul W
- Authors: Potts, Warren M , Henriques, Romina , Santos, Carmen V D , Munnik, Kate , Ansorge, Isabelle J , Dufois, Francois , Sauer, Warwick H H , Booth, Anthony J , Kirchner, Carola , Shaw, Paul W
- Date: 2014
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:35777 , https://doi.10.1111/gcb.12612
- Description: Despite increasing awareness of large-scale climate-driven distribution shifts in the marine environment, no study has linked rapid ocean warming to a shift in distribution and consequent hybridization of a marine fish species. This study describes rapid warming (0.8 °C per decade) in the coastal waters of the Angola-Benguela Frontal Zone over the last three decades and a concomitant shift by a temperature sensitive coastal fish species (Argyrosomus coronus) southward from Angola into Namibia. In this context, rapid shifts in distribution across Economic Exclusive Zones will complicate the management of fishes, particularly when there is a lack of congruence in the fisheries policy between nations. Evidence for recent hybridization between A. coronus and a congener, A. inodorus, indicate that the rapid shift in distribution of A. coronus has placed adults of the two species in contact during their spawning events. Ocean warming may therefore revert established species isolation mechanisms and alter the evolutionary history of fishes. While the consequences of the hybridization on the production of the resource remain unclear, this will most likely introduce additional layers of complexity to their management.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2014
- Authors: Potts, Warren M , Henriques, Romina , Santos, Carmen V D , Munnik, Kate , Ansorge, Isabelle J , Dufois, Francois , Sauer, Warwick H H , Booth, Anthony J , Kirchner, Carola , Shaw, Paul W
- Date: 2014
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:35777 , https://doi.10.1111/gcb.12612
- Description: Despite increasing awareness of large-scale climate-driven distribution shifts in the marine environment, no study has linked rapid ocean warming to a shift in distribution and consequent hybridization of a marine fish species. This study describes rapid warming (0.8 °C per decade) in the coastal waters of the Angola-Benguela Frontal Zone over the last three decades and a concomitant shift by a temperature sensitive coastal fish species (Argyrosomus coronus) southward from Angola into Namibia. In this context, rapid shifts in distribution across Economic Exclusive Zones will complicate the management of fishes, particularly when there is a lack of congruence in the fisheries policy between nations. Evidence for recent hybridization between A. coronus and a congener, A. inodorus, indicate that the rapid shift in distribution of A. coronus has placed adults of the two species in contact during their spawning events. Ocean warming may therefore revert established species isolation mechanisms and alter the evolutionary history of fishes. While the consequences of the hybridization on the production of the resource remain unclear, this will most likely introduce additional layers of complexity to their management.
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- Date Issued: 2014
Movement patterns and habitat selection of invasive African sharptooth catfish
- Kadye, Wilbert T, Booth, Anthony J
- Authors: Kadye, Wilbert T , Booth, Anthony J
- Date: 2013
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:35767 , http://dx.doi.10.1111/j.1469-7998.2012.00960.x
- Description: Information on the movement behaviour and habitat use by non-native invasive African catfish Clarias gariepinus is crucial in understanding and possibly mitigating its potential impacts. The aim of this study was to examine catfish movement and habitat selection within an invaded impoundment in the Eastern Cape, South Africa. Acoustic telemetry data for 10 tagged catfish were analyzed to identify spatial patterns in home ranges and seasonal changes in habitat associations. Long-distance movements were observed for most catfish from common central release point, whereas short-distance movements defined their home ranges and utilization distributions that were categorized as localized within single or multiple habitats. Habitat selection was non-random with most catfish utilizing the shallow river mouth and upper section of the reservoir that were dominated by a rocky substratum interspersed with submerged trees. These localities were likely to be preferred for spawning and/or feeding. Utilization of these habitats by catfish is likely to be associated with probable impact due to predation and interference competition for feeding and breeding grounds with other species. Although most catfish maintained their home ranges throughout the study, seasonal shifts in habitat use, which was reflected by the utilization of deep and silt-dominated habitats, were also observed for some catfish. Non-random habitat use and homing behaviour within single and multiple habitats by non-native sharptooth catfish suggests that its impact within the invaded habitats may be associated with particular habitats both at broad spatial and temporal scales. Protection of habitats from catfish invasion should be considered as a management option to conserve native biota.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2013
- Authors: Kadye, Wilbert T , Booth, Anthony J
- Date: 2013
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:35767 , http://dx.doi.10.1111/j.1469-7998.2012.00960.x
- Description: Information on the movement behaviour and habitat use by non-native invasive African catfish Clarias gariepinus is crucial in understanding and possibly mitigating its potential impacts. The aim of this study was to examine catfish movement and habitat selection within an invaded impoundment in the Eastern Cape, South Africa. Acoustic telemetry data for 10 tagged catfish were analyzed to identify spatial patterns in home ranges and seasonal changes in habitat associations. Long-distance movements were observed for most catfish from common central release point, whereas short-distance movements defined their home ranges and utilization distributions that were categorized as localized within single or multiple habitats. Habitat selection was non-random with most catfish utilizing the shallow river mouth and upper section of the reservoir that were dominated by a rocky substratum interspersed with submerged trees. These localities were likely to be preferred for spawning and/or feeding. Utilization of these habitats by catfish is likely to be associated with probable impact due to predation and interference competition for feeding and breeding grounds with other species. Although most catfish maintained their home ranges throughout the study, seasonal shifts in habitat use, which was reflected by the utilization of deep and silt-dominated habitats, were also observed for some catfish. Non-random habitat use and homing behaviour within single and multiple habitats by non-native sharptooth catfish suggests that its impact within the invaded habitats may be associated with particular habitats both at broad spatial and temporal scales. Protection of habitats from catfish invasion should be considered as a management option to conserve native biota.
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- Date Issued: 2013
Computer-aided identification of coelacanths, latimeria chalumnae, using scale patterns
- Thornycroft, Rosanne E, Booth, Anthony J
- Authors: Thornycroft, Rosanne E , Booth, Anthony J
- Date: 2012
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:35526 , https://doi.10.1080/17451000.2011.628679
- Description: Despite coelacanths, Latimeria chalumnae, being listed as either endangered by CITES or critically endangered by the IUCN, their population size within South Africa is unknown and still needs to be estimated. Their conservation status unfortunately excludes the use of conventional tagging to mark individual animals for a possible mark-recapture experiment. This study shows that because coelacanths have a unique spot patterning it is possible to quickly and accurately identify specific individuals photographically using computer-aided identification software. Without any manual intervention by an operator, the software accurately identified between 56 and 92% of the individuals. Indentification success increased to 100% if the operator could also manually select from other potential matching photographs. It was also shown that fish exhibiting a yaw angle not exceeding 60˚ could be accurately identified in photographs, although the percentage of fish correctly identified without operator-intervention decreased rapidly with increasing yaw angle. Computer-aided identification should therefore facilitate future coelacanth research as it is both efficient and accurate while also reducing potential stress on the animals observed.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2012
- Authors: Thornycroft, Rosanne E , Booth, Anthony J
- Date: 2012
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:35526 , https://doi.10.1080/17451000.2011.628679
- Description: Despite coelacanths, Latimeria chalumnae, being listed as either endangered by CITES or critically endangered by the IUCN, their population size within South Africa is unknown and still needs to be estimated. Their conservation status unfortunately excludes the use of conventional tagging to mark individual animals for a possible mark-recapture experiment. This study shows that because coelacanths have a unique spot patterning it is possible to quickly and accurately identify specific individuals photographically using computer-aided identification software. Without any manual intervention by an operator, the software accurately identified between 56 and 92% of the individuals. Indentification success increased to 100% if the operator could also manually select from other potential matching photographs. It was also shown that fish exhibiting a yaw angle not exceeding 60˚ could be accurately identified in photographs, although the percentage of fish correctly identified without operator-intervention decreased rapidly with increasing yaw angle. Computer-aided identification should therefore facilitate future coelacanth research as it is both efficient and accurate while also reducing potential stress on the animals observed.
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- Date Issued: 2012
Life-history characteristics of an age-validated established invasive African sharptooth catfish, Clarias gariepinus, population in a warm–temperate African impoundment
- Wartenberg, Reece, Weyl, Olaf L F, Booth, Anthony J, Winker, A Henning
- Authors: Wartenberg, Reece , Weyl, Olaf L F , Booth, Anthony J , Winker, A Henning
- Date: 2012
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:35710 , https://doi.10.3377/004.048.0225
- Description: African sharptooth catfish Clarias gariepinus (Burchell, 1822) is a widely distributed fish that has now invaded water bodies in South America, Eastern Europe, Asia and South Africa (Cambray 2003). In South Africa it is native as far south as the Orange-Vaal river system, but inter-basin water transfer schemes (IBWTs), illegal stocking by anglers and from aquaculture has resulted in the establishment of extralimital populations in almost all river systems (van Rensburg et al. 2011). Within the Eastern Cape Province, C. gariepinus has invaded the Great Fish and Sundays rivers through IBWTs, that connect the Orange River to the Great Fish River and then to the Sundays River system which flows directly into Darlington Dam (Kadye & Booth 2013a) (Fig. 1). Soon after the completion of the IBWTs sharptooth catfish were recorded in Grassridge Dam in 1976 (Laurenson & Hocutt 1985), and later from Darlington Dam in 1981 (Scott et al. 2006). Although Cambray & Jubb (1977) are of the opinion that the species was translocated prior to the IBWT connection, there is now a permanent corridor between the Orange River and its receiving river systems that can facilitate the continued introduction of non-native Orange River fishes and other aquatic biota.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2012
- Authors: Wartenberg, Reece , Weyl, Olaf L F , Booth, Anthony J , Winker, A Henning
- Date: 2012
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:35710 , https://doi.10.3377/004.048.0225
- Description: African sharptooth catfish Clarias gariepinus (Burchell, 1822) is a widely distributed fish that has now invaded water bodies in South America, Eastern Europe, Asia and South Africa (Cambray 2003). In South Africa it is native as far south as the Orange-Vaal river system, but inter-basin water transfer schemes (IBWTs), illegal stocking by anglers and from aquaculture has resulted in the establishment of extralimital populations in almost all river systems (van Rensburg et al. 2011). Within the Eastern Cape Province, C. gariepinus has invaded the Great Fish and Sundays rivers through IBWTs, that connect the Orange River to the Great Fish River and then to the Sundays River system which flows directly into Darlington Dam (Kadye & Booth 2013a) (Fig. 1). Soon after the completion of the IBWTs sharptooth catfish were recorded in Grassridge Dam in 1976 (Laurenson & Hocutt 1985), and later from Darlington Dam in 1981 (Scott et al. 2006). Although Cambray & Jubb (1977) are of the opinion that the species was translocated prior to the IBWT connection, there is now a permanent corridor between the Orange River and its receiving river systems that can facilitate the continued introduction of non-native Orange River fishes and other aquatic biota.
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- Date Issued: 2012
Long-term catch and effort trends in Eastern Cape Angling Week competitions
- Dicken, Matthew L, Smale, Malcolm J, Booth, Anthony J
- Authors: Dicken, Matthew L , Smale, Malcolm J , Booth, Anthony J
- Date: 2012
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:35711 ,
- Description: Recreational shore-based angling is one of the most popular sport and outdoor activity pastimes in South Africa with an estimated 412 000 fishers (McGrath et al. 1997). It is a form of linefishing where fish are caught using a hook and line and comprises a social as well as a more formal organized competitive sector (van der Elst 1989). Similar to other components of the linefishery, which include the subsistence as well as boat-based commercial sectors, excessive shore-fishing effort along the Eastern Cape has resulted not only in declining catches (Bennett 1991, Griffiths 1997, Brouwer and Buxton 2002, Pradervand and Govender 2003) but also changes in the species composition of catches (Bennett et al. 1994, Brouwer et al. 1997, Attwood and Farquhar 1999). Stock assessments indicate that many important linefish species are severely overexploited (Griffiths 1997, Hutchings 2000, Mann 2000) and that continued fishing pressure threatens endemic linefish populations. In 1996, shore-anglers alone were responsible for an annual catch of approximately 4.5 million fish, weighing around 3 000 tonnes (Brouwer et al. 1997).
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2012
- Authors: Dicken, Matthew L , Smale, Malcolm J , Booth, Anthony J
- Date: 2012
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:35711 ,
- Description: Recreational shore-based angling is one of the most popular sport and outdoor activity pastimes in South Africa with an estimated 412 000 fishers (McGrath et al. 1997). It is a form of linefishing where fish are caught using a hook and line and comprises a social as well as a more formal organized competitive sector (van der Elst 1989). Similar to other components of the linefishery, which include the subsistence as well as boat-based commercial sectors, excessive shore-fishing effort along the Eastern Cape has resulted not only in declining catches (Bennett 1991, Griffiths 1997, Brouwer and Buxton 2002, Pradervand and Govender 2003) but also changes in the species composition of catches (Bennett et al. 1994, Brouwer et al. 1997, Attwood and Farquhar 1999). Stock assessments indicate that many important linefish species are severely overexploited (Griffiths 1997, Hutchings 2000, Mann 2000) and that continued fishing pressure threatens endemic linefish populations. In 1996, shore-anglers alone were responsible for an annual catch of approximately 4.5 million fish, weighing around 3 000 tonnes (Brouwer et al. 1997).
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- Date Issued: 2012
A comparison of three techniques for fluorochrome marking of juvenile Clarias gariepinus otoliths
- Wartenberg, Reece, Booth, Anthony J, Weyl, Olaf L F
- Authors: Wartenberg, Reece , Booth, Anthony J , Weyl, Olaf L F
- Date: 2011
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:35450 , https://doi.10.3377/004.046.0119
- Description: African sharptooth catfish, Clarias gariepinus (Burchell 1822), is widely distributed with a natural range that extends from southern Turkey to the Orange River, South Africa (Skelton 2001). In addition to translocations within its southerly range (Cambray 2003), Cambray (2005) noted that as a result of poor aquaculture practices and introductions from a number of unknown sources, C. gariepinus has now invaded South America, Europe, Asia, and Australia. Its life history characteristics include a fast growth rate to a maximum length of 1300mmtotal length (TL) (Bruton 1976), a high fecundity, an omnivorous diet and the ability to breathe air (de Moor & Bruton 1988; Cambray 2003). Understanding the biology and population dynamics of this invader would assist in its management and possibly eradication.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2011
- Authors: Wartenberg, Reece , Booth, Anthony J , Weyl, Olaf L F
- Date: 2011
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:35450 , https://doi.10.3377/004.046.0119
- Description: African sharptooth catfish, Clarias gariepinus (Burchell 1822), is widely distributed with a natural range that extends from southern Turkey to the Orange River, South Africa (Skelton 2001). In addition to translocations within its southerly range (Cambray 2003), Cambray (2005) noted that as a result of poor aquaculture practices and introductions from a number of unknown sources, C. gariepinus has now invaded South America, Europe, Asia, and Australia. Its life history characteristics include a fast growth rate to a maximum length of 1300mmtotal length (TL) (Bruton 1976), a high fecundity, an omnivorous diet and the ability to breathe air (de Moor & Bruton 1988; Cambray 2003). Understanding the biology and population dynamics of this invader would assist in its management and possibly eradication.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2011
Age validation, growth, mortality, and demographic modeling of spotted gully shark (Triakis megalopterus) from the southeast coast of South Africa
- Booth, Anthony J, Foulis, Alan J, Smale, Malcolm J
- Authors: Booth, Anthony J , Foulis, Alan J , Smale, Malcolm J
- Date: 2011
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:35466 ,
- Description: This study documents validation of vertebral band-pair formation in spotted gully shark (Triakis megalopterus) with the use of f luorochrome injection and tagging of captive and wild sharks over a 21-year period. Growth and mortality rates of T. megalopterus were also estimated and a demographic analysis of the species was conducted. Of the 23 OTC (oxytetracycline) -marked vertebrae examined (12 from captive and 11 from wild sharks), seven vertebrae (three from captive and four from wild sharks) exhibited chelation of the OTC and f luoresced under ultraviolet light. It was concluded that a single opaque and translucent band pair was deposited annually up to at least 25 years of age, the maximum age recorded. Reader precision was assessed by using an index of average percent error calculated at 5%. No significant differences were found between male and female growth patterns (P>0.05), and von Bertalanffy growth model parameters for combined sexes were estimated to be L∞=1711.07 mm TL, k=0.11/yr and t0= –2.43 yr (n=86). Natural mortality was estimated at 0.17/yr. Age at maturity was estimated at 11 years for males and 15 years for females. Results of the demographic analysis showed that the population, in the absence of fishing mortality, was stable and not significantly different from zero and particularly sensitive to overfishing. At the current age at first capture and natural mortality rate, the fishing mortality rate required to result in negative population growth was low at F>0.004/ yr. Elasticity analysis revealed that juvenile survival was the principal factor in explaining variability in population growth rate.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2011
- Authors: Booth, Anthony J , Foulis, Alan J , Smale, Malcolm J
- Date: 2011
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:35466 ,
- Description: This study documents validation of vertebral band-pair formation in spotted gully shark (Triakis megalopterus) with the use of f luorochrome injection and tagging of captive and wild sharks over a 21-year period. Growth and mortality rates of T. megalopterus were also estimated and a demographic analysis of the species was conducted. Of the 23 OTC (oxytetracycline) -marked vertebrae examined (12 from captive and 11 from wild sharks), seven vertebrae (three from captive and four from wild sharks) exhibited chelation of the OTC and f luoresced under ultraviolet light. It was concluded that a single opaque and translucent band pair was deposited annually up to at least 25 years of age, the maximum age recorded. Reader precision was assessed by using an index of average percent error calculated at 5%. No significant differences were found between male and female growth patterns (P>0.05), and von Bertalanffy growth model parameters for combined sexes were estimated to be L∞=1711.07 mm TL, k=0.11/yr and t0= –2.43 yr (n=86). Natural mortality was estimated at 0.17/yr. Age at maturity was estimated at 11 years for males and 15 years for females. Results of the demographic analysis showed that the population, in the absence of fishing mortality, was stable and not significantly different from zero and particularly sensitive to overfishing. At the current age at first capture and natural mortality rate, the fishing mortality rate required to result in negative population growth was low at F>0.004/ yr. Elasticity analysis revealed that juvenile survival was the principal factor in explaining variability in population growth rate.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2011
Effect of turbidity on the foraging success of Glossogobius callidus (Teleostei: Gobiidae)
- Parkinson, Matthew C, Booth, Anthony J
- Authors: Parkinson, Matthew C , Booth, Anthony J
- Date: 2011
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:35600 ,
- Description: Particles suspended in water attenuate the light that passes through it via absorption or scattering (Utne-Palm 2002). For example, whereas algae absorb specific wavelengths of light necessary for photosynthesis, inorganic suspensoids tend to scatter light (Radke and Gaupisch 2005). This results in lowered ambient light levels and reduces the visual acuity of aquatic organisms. From a fish’s perspective, an increase in water turbidity has the potential to alter visually-mediated reproductive behaviours (Järvenpää and Lindström 2004), predator avoidance (Meager et al. 2006) and foraging success negatively (Utne-Palm 2002, Rowe et al. 2003, Sweka and Hartman 2003, Stuart-Smith et al. 2004). The foraging success of various fish species was affected by increased turbidity through decreasing predator–prey encounter rates (Sweka and Hartman 2003) and through decreasing visual acuity whereby the distance at which prey are visually detected is reduced (Utne-Palm 2002).
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2011
- Authors: Parkinson, Matthew C , Booth, Anthony J
- Date: 2011
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:35600 ,
- Description: Particles suspended in water attenuate the light that passes through it via absorption or scattering (Utne-Palm 2002). For example, whereas algae absorb specific wavelengths of light necessary for photosynthesis, inorganic suspensoids tend to scatter light (Radke and Gaupisch 2005). This results in lowered ambient light levels and reduces the visual acuity of aquatic organisms. From a fish’s perspective, an increase in water turbidity has the potential to alter visually-mediated reproductive behaviours (Järvenpää and Lindström 2004), predator avoidance (Meager et al. 2006) and foraging success negatively (Utne-Palm 2002, Rowe et al. 2003, Sweka and Hartman 2003, Stuart-Smith et al. 2004). The foraging success of various fish species was affected by increased turbidity through decreasing predator–prey encounter rates (Sweka and Hartman 2003) and through decreasing visual acuity whereby the distance at which prey are visually detected is reduced (Utne-Palm 2002).
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2011
Life history and population dynamics of invasive common carp, Cyprinus carpio, within a large turbid African impoundment
- Winker, A Henning, Weyl, Olaf L F, Booth, Anthony J, Ellender, Bruce R
- Authors: Winker, A Henning , Weyl, Olaf L F , Booth, Anthony J , Ellender, Bruce R
- Date: 2011
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:35708 , https://doi.10.1071/MF11054
- Description: Common carp (Cyprinus carpio) is one of the world’s most widely introduced and established freshwater fishes (Casal 2006). The species is considered to be one of the eight most invasive freshwater fishes (Lowe et al. 2000) and worldwide, it accounts for most of the records of successful establishments and adverse ecological effects (Casal 2006; Kulhanek et al. 2011). This invasive success suggests that feral C. carpio is equipped with a set of adaptable life history attributes that allow it to successfully colonise a wide range of habitats (Koehn 2004; Zambrano et al. 2006; Britton et al. 2007). Where feral C. carpio occurs in high densities, it is often perceived as an invasive pest species (Sivakumaran et al. 2003; Brown and Walker 2004; Koehn 2004) because it can have severe impacts on habitat heterogeneity and biodiversity by increasing water turbidity through its bottom feeding behaviour, increasing nutrient availability, decreasing benthic and macrophyte density and diversity, altering zooplankton assemblages and decreasing endemic fish abundance (Zambrano et al. 2001; Khan 2003; Kulhanek et al. 2011). Within south-east Australia, for example, C. carpio comprises the largest proportion of the ichthyobiomass in the continent’s largest river system – the Murray–Darling Basin (Gehrke et al. 1995). As a consequence, serious concerns about its threat to endemic freshwater species (Koehn 2004) have prompted several of the most recent investigations into its life history (e.g. Sivakumaran et al. 2003; Smith and Walker 2004; Brown et al. 2005). Other potential threats posed also include competition with indigenous species and the spread of diseases and parasites (Dudgeon et al. 2006). In South Africa, for example, Asian tapeworm Bothriocephalus acheilognathi is now widely distributed in seven river systems and has infected eight novel cyprinid hosts due to the translocation of infected by C. carpio from a centralized aquaculture facility (Stadtlander et al. 2011).
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2011
- Authors: Winker, A Henning , Weyl, Olaf L F , Booth, Anthony J , Ellender, Bruce R
- Date: 2011
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:35708 , https://doi.10.1071/MF11054
- Description: Common carp (Cyprinus carpio) is one of the world’s most widely introduced and established freshwater fishes (Casal 2006). The species is considered to be one of the eight most invasive freshwater fishes (Lowe et al. 2000) and worldwide, it accounts for most of the records of successful establishments and adverse ecological effects (Casal 2006; Kulhanek et al. 2011). This invasive success suggests that feral C. carpio is equipped with a set of adaptable life history attributes that allow it to successfully colonise a wide range of habitats (Koehn 2004; Zambrano et al. 2006; Britton et al. 2007). Where feral C. carpio occurs in high densities, it is often perceived as an invasive pest species (Sivakumaran et al. 2003; Brown and Walker 2004; Koehn 2004) because it can have severe impacts on habitat heterogeneity and biodiversity by increasing water turbidity through its bottom feeding behaviour, increasing nutrient availability, decreasing benthic and macrophyte density and diversity, altering zooplankton assemblages and decreasing endemic fish abundance (Zambrano et al. 2001; Khan 2003; Kulhanek et al. 2011). Within south-east Australia, for example, C. carpio comprises the largest proportion of the ichthyobiomass in the continent’s largest river system – the Murray–Darling Basin (Gehrke et al. 1995). As a consequence, serious concerns about its threat to endemic freshwater species (Koehn 2004) have prompted several of the most recent investigations into its life history (e.g. Sivakumaran et al. 2003; Smith and Walker 2004; Brown et al. 2005). Other potential threats posed also include competition with indigenous species and the spread of diseases and parasites (Dudgeon et al. 2006). In South Africa, for example, Asian tapeworm Bothriocephalus acheilognathi is now widely distributed in seven river systems and has infected eight novel cyprinid hosts due to the translocation of infected by C. carpio from a centralized aquaculture facility (Stadtlander et al. 2011).
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2011
Aspects of the reproductive biology of monkfish Lophius vomerinus off Namibia
- Maartens, Lima, Booth, Anthony J
- Authors: Maartens, Lima , Booth, Anthony J
- Date: 2010
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:35504 , https://doi.10.2989/18142320509504090
- Description: Aspects of the reproductive biology of monkfish Lophius vomerinus are described from material collected during hake Merluccius spp. biomass surveys and from commercial monkfish and sole Austroglossus microlepis vessels between January 1996 and June 2000 off Namibia at depths between 97m and 686m. Length-at-50% sexual maturity for males and females were estimated at 39.9cm and 58.2cm respectively, males maturing faster than females. The adult sex ratio of fish >50cm total length was strongly biased towards females. There was reproductive activity throughout the year, peaking slightly between autumn and spring.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2010
- Authors: Maartens, Lima , Booth, Anthony J
- Date: 2010
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:35504 , https://doi.10.2989/18142320509504090
- Description: Aspects of the reproductive biology of monkfish Lophius vomerinus are described from material collected during hake Merluccius spp. biomass surveys and from commercial monkfish and sole Austroglossus microlepis vessels between January 1996 and June 2000 off Namibia at depths between 97m and 686m. Length-at-50% sexual maturity for males and females were estimated at 39.9cm and 58.2cm respectively, males maturing faster than females. The adult sex ratio of fish >50cm total length was strongly biased towards females. There was reproductive activity throughout the year, peaking slightly between autumn and spring.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2010
Estuarine use by spotted grunter Pomadasys commersonnii in a South African estuary, as determined by acoustic telemetry
- Childs, Amber-Robyn, Cowley, Paul D, Næsje, T F, Booth, Anthony J, Potts, Warren M, Thorstad, Eva B, Økland, F
- Authors: Childs, Amber-Robyn , Cowley, Paul D , Næsje, T F , Booth, Anthony J , Potts, Warren M , Thorstad, Eva B , Økland, F
- Date: 2010
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:35612 , JMS.2008.
- Description: Estuaries are important in the life history and the maintenance of the diversity of coastal fish species because of their function as nursery areas for juveniles as well as feeding grounds for adults (Cyrus 1991). The dependence of many fish species on estuaries is well documented (e.g. Wallace et al. 1984, Lenanton and Potter 1987, Blaber et al. 1989, Whitfield 1990, Hoss and Thayer 1993). Spotted grunter Pomadasys commersonnii (Haemulidae) (Lacepède 1801) is an estuarine-dependent species which spawns in the KwaZulu-Natal inshore coastal waters, between August and December (Wallace 1975b, Wallace and van der Elst 1975, Harris and Cyrus 1997, 1999). The eggs and larvae are transported southwards by the Agulhas Current, and juveniles between 20 mm and 50 mm TL recruit into the KwaZulu-Natal and south-eastern Cape estuaries (Wallace and van der Elst 1975, Whitfield 1990). Juvenile spotted grunter make use of the abundant food resources in estuaries, where they grow rapidly and remain for a period of 1–3 years (Wallace and Schleyer 1979, Day et al. 1981). Upon attaining sexual maturity (at between 300 mm and 400 mm TL), they return to the marine environment (Wallace 1975b). Some adults, however, return to estuaries to feed and to regain condition after spawning (Wallace 1975b, Whitfield 1994). The return of post-spawning fish coincides with increased catches by fishers in estuaries between July and January. These events are known as ‘grunter runs’ (Wallace 1975a, Marais and Baird 1980, Marais 1988, Pradervand and Baird 2002). It is suggested that adults spend up to several months in estuaries, before moving back to sea where they undergo gonadal development and ultimately spawn (Wallace 1975b, Wallace and van der Elst 1975). It is believed that adult fish also enter estuaries in a prespawning state to gain condition en route to their spawning grounds in KwaZulu-Natal (Webb 2002).
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2010
- Authors: Childs, Amber-Robyn , Cowley, Paul D , Næsje, T F , Booth, Anthony J , Potts, Warren M , Thorstad, Eva B , Økland, F
- Date: 2010
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:35612 , JMS.2008.
- Description: Estuaries are important in the life history and the maintenance of the diversity of coastal fish species because of their function as nursery areas for juveniles as well as feeding grounds for adults (Cyrus 1991). The dependence of many fish species on estuaries is well documented (e.g. Wallace et al. 1984, Lenanton and Potter 1987, Blaber et al. 1989, Whitfield 1990, Hoss and Thayer 1993). Spotted grunter Pomadasys commersonnii (Haemulidae) (Lacepède 1801) is an estuarine-dependent species which spawns in the KwaZulu-Natal inshore coastal waters, between August and December (Wallace 1975b, Wallace and van der Elst 1975, Harris and Cyrus 1997, 1999). The eggs and larvae are transported southwards by the Agulhas Current, and juveniles between 20 mm and 50 mm TL recruit into the KwaZulu-Natal and south-eastern Cape estuaries (Wallace and van der Elst 1975, Whitfield 1990). Juvenile spotted grunter make use of the abundant food resources in estuaries, where they grow rapidly and remain for a period of 1–3 years (Wallace and Schleyer 1979, Day et al. 1981). Upon attaining sexual maturity (at between 300 mm and 400 mm TL), they return to the marine environment (Wallace 1975b). Some adults, however, return to estuaries to feed and to regain condition after spawning (Wallace 1975b, Whitfield 1994). The return of post-spawning fish coincides with increased catches by fishers in estuaries between July and January. These events are known as ‘grunter runs’ (Wallace 1975a, Marais and Baird 1980, Marais 1988, Pradervand and Baird 2002). It is suggested that adults spend up to several months in estuaries, before moving back to sea where they undergo gonadal development and ultimately spawn (Wallace 1975b, Wallace and van der Elst 1975). It is believed that adult fish also enter estuaries in a prespawning state to gain condition en route to their spawning grounds in KwaZulu-Natal (Webb 2002).
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- Date Issued: 2010
Growth, reproduction and population structure of Diplotaxodon limnothrissa in the southeast arm of Lake Malawi
- Kanyerere, Geoffrey Z, Weyl, Olaf L F, Booth, Anthony J
- Authors: Kanyerere, Geoffrey Z , Weyl, Olaf L F , Booth, Anthony J
- Date: 2010
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:35633 ,
- Description: With a surface area of ca 28 800km2, Lake Malawi (9°30’S–14°30’S) is the second largest of the African Rift Valley lakes, supporting at least 500, and possibly 2 000, fish species (Turner 1995). The ichthyofauna is dominated by haplochomine cichlids, most of which are confined to the demersal and littoral zones. As a result of over-fishing, the abundance of many of these species has declined (Turner 1994a, 1995, Bulirani et al. 1999, Allison et al. 2002). In contrast, the lake’s offshore fish stocks are considered to be unexploited or only lightly exploited (Thompson and Allison 1997, Turner et al. 2000) and the redirection of fishing effort to these stocks is a high priority (Thompson and Allison 1997, Turner et al. 2000, Allison et al. 2002). Consequently, the Malawi government is currently collaborating with the African Development Bank to develop the deepwater/ offshore fishery in order to increase yields by an estimated 11 000 tons (MC Banda, National Research co-ordinator, pers. comm.). The most abundant cichlid species in the pelagic zone is the small (<210mm TL) zooplanktivorous Diplotaxodon limnothrissa (Turner 1994, Thompson and Allison 1997). It has been recorded throughout the lake at depths ranging from 20 metres down to the anoxic zone at ca 220 metres (Turner 1994b, Thompson et al. 1996, Duponchelle et al. 2000a) and it makes up ca 52% to the total fish biomass (Thompson and Allison 1997). Diplotaxodon limnothrissa will therefore be a major target species in the pelagic fishery, and already comprises in excess of 50% of the mid-water trawl fishery in the southeast arm (SEA) of the lake (Turner 1996).
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2010
- Authors: Kanyerere, Geoffrey Z , Weyl, Olaf L F , Booth, Anthony J
- Date: 2010
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:35633 ,
- Description: With a surface area of ca 28 800km2, Lake Malawi (9°30’S–14°30’S) is the second largest of the African Rift Valley lakes, supporting at least 500, and possibly 2 000, fish species (Turner 1995). The ichthyofauna is dominated by haplochomine cichlids, most of which are confined to the demersal and littoral zones. As a result of over-fishing, the abundance of many of these species has declined (Turner 1994a, 1995, Bulirani et al. 1999, Allison et al. 2002). In contrast, the lake’s offshore fish stocks are considered to be unexploited or only lightly exploited (Thompson and Allison 1997, Turner et al. 2000) and the redirection of fishing effort to these stocks is a high priority (Thompson and Allison 1997, Turner et al. 2000, Allison et al. 2002). Consequently, the Malawi government is currently collaborating with the African Development Bank to develop the deepwater/ offshore fishery in order to increase yields by an estimated 11 000 tons (MC Banda, National Research co-ordinator, pers. comm.). The most abundant cichlid species in the pelagic zone is the small (<210mm TL) zooplanktivorous Diplotaxodon limnothrissa (Turner 1994, Thompson and Allison 1997). It has been recorded throughout the lake at depths ranging from 20 metres down to the anoxic zone at ca 220 metres (Turner 1994b, Thompson et al. 1996, Duponchelle et al. 2000a) and it makes up ca 52% to the total fish biomass (Thompson and Allison 1997). Diplotaxodon limnothrissa will therefore be a major target species in the pelagic fishery, and already comprises in excess of 50% of the mid-water trawl fishery in the southeast arm (SEA) of the lake (Turner 1996).
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- Date Issued: 2010
Histological validation of gonadal macroscopic staging criteria for Labeo cylindricus (Pisces: Cyprinidae)
- Booth, Anthony J, Weyl, Olaf L F
- Authors: Booth, Anthony J , Weyl, Olaf L F
- Date: 2010
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:35634 ,
- Description: Histological examination of gametogenesis revealed that the current staging criteria used to assess gonadal recrudescence of the redeye labeo, Labeo cylindricus, were adequate. Gametogenesis was qualitatively similar to that of freshwater teleosts with a clearly defined seasonal reproductive cycle. L. cylindricus undergoes seasonal gross morphological and cytological gonadal changes with previtellogenesis dominating during the winter, vitellogenic development during spring and summer culminating in large-scale spawning at the end of summer. Post-spawning mass atresia of oocytes was evident in autumn. The histological data presented support macroscopical evidence that L. cylindricus is a synchronous iteroparous spawner, reproducing over a short period each year throughout its life-span.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2010
- Authors: Booth, Anthony J , Weyl, Olaf L F
- Date: 2010
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:35634 ,
- Description: Histological examination of gametogenesis revealed that the current staging criteria used to assess gonadal recrudescence of the redeye labeo, Labeo cylindricus, were adequate. Gametogenesis was qualitatively similar to that of freshwater teleosts with a clearly defined seasonal reproductive cycle. L. cylindricus undergoes seasonal gross morphological and cytological gonadal changes with previtellogenesis dominating during the winter, vitellogenic development during spring and summer culminating in large-scale spawning at the end of summer. Post-spawning mass atresia of oocytes was evident in autumn. The histological data presented support macroscopical evidence that L. cylindricus is a synchronous iteroparous spawner, reproducing over a short period each year throughout its life-span.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2010
Quantifying commercial catch and effort of monkfish Lophius vomerinus and L. vaillanti off Namibia
- Maartens, Lima, Booth, Anthony J
- Authors: Maartens, Lima , Booth, Anthony J
- Date: 2010
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:35817 , https://doi.10.2989/025776101784528999
- Description: Mark-recapture models do not distinguish how ‘‘deaths’’ accrue to marked animals in the population. If animals lose their tags, then recaptures will be fewer than expected and estimates of survival will be underestimated (Arnason and Mills, 1981; McDonald et al., 2003). Similarly, if the non-reporting rate is unknown and assumed to be negligible, as is the case in some tagging studies (e.g. Cliff et al., 1996, for white sharks Carcharodon carcharias), the probability of capture can be underestimated. The effects of both these problems, inherent in cooperative tagging programmes, lead to too few tagged fish being recovered, with a positive bias on the estimation of population size. These effects are most pronounced when capture probability is low and fewer tags are available for recapture (McDonald et al., 2003).
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2010
- Authors: Maartens, Lima , Booth, Anthony J
- Date: 2010
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:35817 , https://doi.10.2989/025776101784528999
- Description: Mark-recapture models do not distinguish how ‘‘deaths’’ accrue to marked animals in the population. If animals lose their tags, then recaptures will be fewer than expected and estimates of survival will be underestimated (Arnason and Mills, 1981; McDonald et al., 2003). Similarly, if the non-reporting rate is unknown and assumed to be negligible, as is the case in some tagging studies (e.g. Cliff et al., 1996, for white sharks Carcharodon carcharias), the probability of capture can be underestimated. The effects of both these problems, inherent in cooperative tagging programmes, lead to too few tagged fish being recovered, with a positive bias on the estimation of population size. These effects are most pronounced when capture probability is low and fewer tags are available for recapture (McDonald et al., 2003).
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2010