Tienerafrikaans: ’n studie van tienertaal, met spesiale verwysing na sleng, in twee Inxuba Yethemba (RSA-)skole
- Authors: Holland, Anil Juan
- Date: 2024-04
- Subjects: Afrikaans language -- Social aspects -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Afrikaanse taal -- Grammatika , Code switching (Linguistics)
- Language: Afrikaans
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/62816 , vital:72980
- Description: It is understood that, for us humans to communicate with one another, we need language. Communication thus has a close relationship with society. But language changes and it has many varieties. On the one hand we have the standard variety of a language which is mostly used in formal situations, and on the other hand we have other varieties, which are mostly used in informal situations. Slang serves as an example of the latter and is chiefly used by adolescents – individuals between the ages of 13 and 19. As Saal and Lawrence (2019: 24) put it: young people are the agents of linguistic change. The researcher finds the language of teenagers quite interesting seeing that he is a teacher who frequently comes across words or phrases he has not heard or does not know the meaning of. The goal of this study is thus to investigate teenage language as phenomenon, with special reference to slang. This study examines slang words and expressions as they occur among teenagers in two Nxuba (formerly Cradock) schools, as well as find out why, when, and when the research group will not make use of slang. Nxuba forms part of the Inxuba Yethemba Municipality in the Eastern Cape. During the study general linguistic phenomena that occur among the teenagers in the given town are also investigated. These phenomena are analysed using the phonetic, phonological, morphological, syntactic, semantic, and lexical levels of variation. This study follows a qualitative approach with the help of questionnaires, direct observation, and focus group interviews as data collection methods. It was found that teenagers are highly creative and create novel words or give new meanings to words that already exist in the standard variety. The reasons why teenagers make use of slang is, among other things, to ease communication, for the fun of it, secrecy, and to enrich the standard variety. Slang is mostly used in informal situations and tends to be avoided in the presence of older persons, at church, and when doing schoolwork. There are also various linguistic phenomena that appear in teenagers’ general language usage: borrowing, reduction, homonyms, polysemes, and various phonological phenomena, among other. , Thesis (MA) -- Faculty of Humanities , School of Language, Media and Communication , 2024
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2024-04
- Authors: Holland, Anil Juan
- Date: 2024-04
- Subjects: Afrikaans language -- Social aspects -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Afrikaanse taal -- Grammatika , Code switching (Linguistics)
- Language: Afrikaans
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/62816 , vital:72980
- Description: It is understood that, for us humans to communicate with one another, we need language. Communication thus has a close relationship with society. But language changes and it has many varieties. On the one hand we have the standard variety of a language which is mostly used in formal situations, and on the other hand we have other varieties, which are mostly used in informal situations. Slang serves as an example of the latter and is chiefly used by adolescents – individuals between the ages of 13 and 19. As Saal and Lawrence (2019: 24) put it: young people are the agents of linguistic change. The researcher finds the language of teenagers quite interesting seeing that he is a teacher who frequently comes across words or phrases he has not heard or does not know the meaning of. The goal of this study is thus to investigate teenage language as phenomenon, with special reference to slang. This study examines slang words and expressions as they occur among teenagers in two Nxuba (formerly Cradock) schools, as well as find out why, when, and when the research group will not make use of slang. Nxuba forms part of the Inxuba Yethemba Municipality in the Eastern Cape. During the study general linguistic phenomena that occur among the teenagers in the given town are also investigated. These phenomena are analysed using the phonetic, phonological, morphological, syntactic, semantic, and lexical levels of variation. This study follows a qualitative approach with the help of questionnaires, direct observation, and focus group interviews as data collection methods. It was found that teenagers are highly creative and create novel words or give new meanings to words that already exist in the standard variety. The reasons why teenagers make use of slang is, among other things, to ease communication, for the fun of it, secrecy, and to enrich the standard variety. Slang is mostly used in informal situations and tends to be avoided in the presence of older persons, at church, and when doing schoolwork. There are also various linguistic phenomena that appear in teenagers’ general language usage: borrowing, reduction, homonyms, polysemes, and various phonological phenomena, among other. , Thesis (MA) -- Faculty of Humanities , School of Language, Media and Communication , 2024
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2024-04
'N polisistemiese ondersoek na die poësie van instagram-digters
- Authors: De Wat Jane
- Date: 2023-12
- Subjects: Prosodic analysis (Linguistics) , Poetry
- Language: Afrikaans
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/63265 , vital:73242
- Description: Die doel van hierdie studie is om die opkoms van Afrikaanse Instagrampoësie en die literêre en sosiale status daarvan te ondersoek met spesifieke verwysing na die volgende Afrikaanse aanlyn digters en hul selfpublikasies: Skakerings van geel (@skildermetdigkuns) en Alles wat ek wou sê (@ontmasker), sowel as die sogenaamde Rupi Kaur van Afrikaanse Instagrampoësie, (@kaalwoorde), se digbundel Kosmos en komete wat onlangs deur LAPA Uitgewers gepubliseer is. Daar word ondersoek ingestel na die manier waarop die metamodernistiese konteks waarbinne digitale of e-letterkunde ontwikkel het, in dié skryfstyl manifesteer. In my ondersoek fokus ek op metamodernisme eerder as postmodernisme, omdat metamodernisme groter klem op die waarheid en die objektiewe realiteit plaas, wat ʼn opvallende tema in die werk van die gekose digters is. Die impak van aanlyn poësie op die identiteit en voorstelling van die Zoomer-generasie (individue wat ná 1996 gebore is, andersins bekend as generasie Z) word nagespeur ten einde die impak van hierdie poësie op die gemiddelde Afrikaanse Zoomer-leser te bepaal. Verskeie vrae rakende die posisie van Instagrampoësie binne die Afrikaanse literêre diskoers en kanon word ook onder die loep geneem. Die analise en interpretasie van die gedigte is daarop gemik om die literêre status van hierdie gedigte te ondersoek op grond van skryfpatrone, die evolusie daarvan en die gewildheid wat gemeet word in terme van followers (voortaan volgelinge), likes (voortaan bekend as voorkeure) en comments (voortaan kommentaar).1 Daar is bewys dat die metamodernistiese konteks (wat breedvoerig in die studie gekonseptualiseer en in terme van Suid-Afrika gekontekstualiseer word) waarin hierdie gedigte geformuleer en versprei is, ʼn beduidende invloed het op die toon en temas daarvan. Daar word getoon dat die tematiese stryd met kwessies soos identiteit, geloof en liefde in dié woordkuns verband hou met die sosiopolitieke konteks van die Zoomer-generasie. Hierdie metamodernistiese toestand word gekenmerk deur progressiewe denke, diversiteit en ʼn samelewing wat voortdurend verander. Die gevolgtrekking word gemaak dat Afrikaanse Instagrampoësie ʼn literêre diskoers skep met die doel om nuwe idees met betrekking tot die waarhede van ʼn generasie wat dikwels misverstaan en misgekyk word, voor te stel. Die vryheid van Instagrampoësie bied met ander woorde ʼn geleentheid vir Zoomer-denkers om hulle stempel binne ʼn metamoderne samelewing af te druk. Deur Even-Zohar se 1 Instagram-terme wat verwys na die hoeveelheid mense wat die digter volg, sy/haar/sig gedigte lees en dan ook daarop reageer op ʼn “hou van/hou nie van nie” glyskaal. 4 polisisteemteorie en die leser-reaksie-teorie by die ondersoek na die skep en ontvangs van aanlyn poësie te betrek, word aangetoon dat e-letterkunde wel ʼn plek binne die Afrikaanse literêre diskoers vind. Hoewel die skeppingsproses, publikasie en ontvangs van aanlyn poësie verskil van dié van ander literêre vorme, stel die studie hierdie vorm van poësie aan die Afrikaanse literêre diskoers en kanon bekend. , Thesis (MA) -- Faculty of Humanities, 2023
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2023-12
- Authors: De Wat Jane
- Date: 2023-12
- Subjects: Prosodic analysis (Linguistics) , Poetry
- Language: Afrikaans
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/63265 , vital:73242
- Description: Die doel van hierdie studie is om die opkoms van Afrikaanse Instagrampoësie en die literêre en sosiale status daarvan te ondersoek met spesifieke verwysing na die volgende Afrikaanse aanlyn digters en hul selfpublikasies: Skakerings van geel (@skildermetdigkuns) en Alles wat ek wou sê (@ontmasker), sowel as die sogenaamde Rupi Kaur van Afrikaanse Instagrampoësie, (@kaalwoorde), se digbundel Kosmos en komete wat onlangs deur LAPA Uitgewers gepubliseer is. Daar word ondersoek ingestel na die manier waarop die metamodernistiese konteks waarbinne digitale of e-letterkunde ontwikkel het, in dié skryfstyl manifesteer. In my ondersoek fokus ek op metamodernisme eerder as postmodernisme, omdat metamodernisme groter klem op die waarheid en die objektiewe realiteit plaas, wat ʼn opvallende tema in die werk van die gekose digters is. Die impak van aanlyn poësie op die identiteit en voorstelling van die Zoomer-generasie (individue wat ná 1996 gebore is, andersins bekend as generasie Z) word nagespeur ten einde die impak van hierdie poësie op die gemiddelde Afrikaanse Zoomer-leser te bepaal. Verskeie vrae rakende die posisie van Instagrampoësie binne die Afrikaanse literêre diskoers en kanon word ook onder die loep geneem. Die analise en interpretasie van die gedigte is daarop gemik om die literêre status van hierdie gedigte te ondersoek op grond van skryfpatrone, die evolusie daarvan en die gewildheid wat gemeet word in terme van followers (voortaan volgelinge), likes (voortaan bekend as voorkeure) en comments (voortaan kommentaar).1 Daar is bewys dat die metamodernistiese konteks (wat breedvoerig in die studie gekonseptualiseer en in terme van Suid-Afrika gekontekstualiseer word) waarin hierdie gedigte geformuleer en versprei is, ʼn beduidende invloed het op die toon en temas daarvan. Daar word getoon dat die tematiese stryd met kwessies soos identiteit, geloof en liefde in dié woordkuns verband hou met die sosiopolitieke konteks van die Zoomer-generasie. Hierdie metamodernistiese toestand word gekenmerk deur progressiewe denke, diversiteit en ʼn samelewing wat voortdurend verander. Die gevolgtrekking word gemaak dat Afrikaanse Instagrampoësie ʼn literêre diskoers skep met die doel om nuwe idees met betrekking tot die waarhede van ʼn generasie wat dikwels misverstaan en misgekyk word, voor te stel. Die vryheid van Instagrampoësie bied met ander woorde ʼn geleentheid vir Zoomer-denkers om hulle stempel binne ʼn metamoderne samelewing af te druk. Deur Even-Zohar se 1 Instagram-terme wat verwys na die hoeveelheid mense wat die digter volg, sy/haar/sig gedigte lees en dan ook daarop reageer op ʼn “hou van/hou nie van nie” glyskaal. 4 polisisteemteorie en die leser-reaksie-teorie by die ondersoek na die skep en ontvangs van aanlyn poësie te betrek, word aangetoon dat e-letterkunde wel ʼn plek binne die Afrikaanse literêre diskoers vind. Hoewel die skeppingsproses, publikasie en ontvangs van aanlyn poësie verskil van dié van ander literêre vorme, stel die studie hierdie vorm van poësie aan die Afrikaanse literêre diskoers en kanon bekend. , Thesis (MA) -- Faculty of Humanities, 2023
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- Date Issued: 2023-12
Lady Die
- Authors: Jephtas, Veronique Bianca
- Date: 2023-10-13
- Subjects: Creative writing (Higher education) South Africa , Kaaps , Books Reviews , South African fiction 21st century , Diaries Authorship
- Language: Afrikaans
- Type: Academic theses , Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/424928 , vital:72194
- Description: My tesis is geskryf in Kaaps en incorporate veskillende streeksvariante vannie taal. Die gedigte is hoofsaaklik innie dialek en ytie perspektief vannie spreker, Pamela geskryf. Tematies issie fokus die seksualiteit ennie inner workings vanne jong, bruinvrou wat haa feminine power probee assert in ’n patriarchal en invasive wêreld. Die bundel illustreer hierdie constant shifting power dynamics dee Pamela en haa vier boyfriends se vehoudings te examine. Wat vorm betref gebryk ek aspekte vannie zuihitsu, spesifiek die free movement tussen genre en styles: veskillende dele vannie bundel is geskryf as prose, poetry en kort, losstaande gedagtes. Ek kies die skryfstyl wattie narrative van oomblik tot oomblik die beste onnersteun, en beperk nie myself tot een consistent vorm nie ––oek kenmerkend van zuihitsu. Literêre invloede virrie teks is The Pillow Book dee Makura no Sōshi. Meer kontemporêre invloede is Kathy Acker, Marie Calloway, Nathan Trantraal en Ronelda S. Kamfer. Acker virrie manier wat sy identiteit illustreer, amper soese collage constructed yt seemingly unrelated stukkies teks en experiences; Calloway vi haa detached en unromanticised skrywe oo sex en vehoudings; Trantraal en Kamfer virrie manier waarop hulle universal stories vetel in ’n taal wat tightly bound is aan ’n baie spesifieke geography. , Thesis (MA) -- Faculty of Humanities, School of Languages and Literatures, 2023
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2023-10-13
- Authors: Jephtas, Veronique Bianca
- Date: 2023-10-13
- Subjects: Creative writing (Higher education) South Africa , Kaaps , Books Reviews , South African fiction 21st century , Diaries Authorship
- Language: Afrikaans
- Type: Academic theses , Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/424928 , vital:72194
- Description: My tesis is geskryf in Kaaps en incorporate veskillende streeksvariante vannie taal. Die gedigte is hoofsaaklik innie dialek en ytie perspektief vannie spreker, Pamela geskryf. Tematies issie fokus die seksualiteit ennie inner workings vanne jong, bruinvrou wat haa feminine power probee assert in ’n patriarchal en invasive wêreld. Die bundel illustreer hierdie constant shifting power dynamics dee Pamela en haa vier boyfriends se vehoudings te examine. Wat vorm betref gebryk ek aspekte vannie zuihitsu, spesifiek die free movement tussen genre en styles: veskillende dele vannie bundel is geskryf as prose, poetry en kort, losstaande gedagtes. Ek kies die skryfstyl wattie narrative van oomblik tot oomblik die beste onnersteun, en beperk nie myself tot een consistent vorm nie ––oek kenmerkend van zuihitsu. Literêre invloede virrie teks is The Pillow Book dee Makura no Sōshi. Meer kontemporêre invloede is Kathy Acker, Marie Calloway, Nathan Trantraal en Ronelda S. Kamfer. Acker virrie manier wat sy identiteit illustreer, amper soese collage constructed yt seemingly unrelated stukkies teks en experiences; Calloway vi haa detached en unromanticised skrywe oo sex en vehoudings; Trantraal en Kamfer virrie manier waarop hulle universal stories vetel in ’n taal wat tightly bound is aan ’n baie spesifieke geography. , Thesis (MA) -- Faculty of Humanities, School of Languages and Literatures, 2023
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- Date Issued: 2023-10-13
Wille Dagga
- Authors: Kruger, Liesel Hilge
- Date: 2021-10-29
- Subjects: Kaaps , Creative writing (Higher education) South Africa , Diaries -- Authorship , South African poetry 21st century , Graphic novels 21st century , Fiction History and criticism , Kaaps poetry 21st century
- Language: Afrikaans
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/192230 , vital:45208
- Description: My thesis isse graphic novel/fumetto (photos)/ poetry hybrid. It speel af innie Kylemore, ’n klein ghetto net byte Stellenbosch. Vi ways wat mens genre en visual borders kan veskyf kyk ek ve’al na ‘Arkham Asylum: A Serious House on Serious Earth’ geskryf dee Grant Morrison en illustrated dee Dave McKean. Met ‘Arkham Asylum’ combine McKean painting, photos, collage en illustration. ‘Bitterkomix’ dee Anton Kannemeyer en Conrad Botes is nogge inspirasie in terme vanne meer fluid approach tot style waa die storie die art-style dictate. Ek kyk oek ve’al na ‘Fun Home’ dee Alison Bechdel, vi haa incredible ability om inne tragic, maa somehow humorous way, oo sexual repression te skryf. Oek kyk ek na ‘Dykes to Watch Out For’, dee Bechdel en ‘Wimmen’s Comix’ (Michele Brand, Diane Noomin, et al.) vi die unapologetic manier waa’op díe vrouens oorie vroue liggaam geskryf et. Die struktuur is largely influenced dee Joe Sacco se ‘Palestine’, waa’in hy die broader storie van Palestine vetel innie form van episodic short stories. Vi die sensitiewe handling van LGBTQ themes kyk ek na ‘Death: The Time of Your Life’ dee Neil Gaiman en ‘Blue is the Warmest Colour’ dee Julie Maroh. Ek draw ook oppie wêk van Nathan Trantraal en Gert Vlok Nel se poetry, virrie way hoe hulle oo arme mense skryf, Trantraal oo Bishop Lavis, Vlok Nel oo Beaufort Wes. En oek vi hoe beide skryf innie stem wat hulle praat. , Thesis (MA) -- Faculty of Humanities, School of Languages and Literatures, 2021
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2021-10-29
- Authors: Kruger, Liesel Hilge
- Date: 2021-10-29
- Subjects: Kaaps , Creative writing (Higher education) South Africa , Diaries -- Authorship , South African poetry 21st century , Graphic novels 21st century , Fiction History and criticism , Kaaps poetry 21st century
- Language: Afrikaans
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/192230 , vital:45208
- Description: My thesis isse graphic novel/fumetto (photos)/ poetry hybrid. It speel af innie Kylemore, ’n klein ghetto net byte Stellenbosch. Vi ways wat mens genre en visual borders kan veskyf kyk ek ve’al na ‘Arkham Asylum: A Serious House on Serious Earth’ geskryf dee Grant Morrison en illustrated dee Dave McKean. Met ‘Arkham Asylum’ combine McKean painting, photos, collage en illustration. ‘Bitterkomix’ dee Anton Kannemeyer en Conrad Botes is nogge inspirasie in terme vanne meer fluid approach tot style waa die storie die art-style dictate. Ek kyk oek ve’al na ‘Fun Home’ dee Alison Bechdel, vi haa incredible ability om inne tragic, maa somehow humorous way, oo sexual repression te skryf. Oek kyk ek na ‘Dykes to Watch Out For’, dee Bechdel en ‘Wimmen’s Comix’ (Michele Brand, Diane Noomin, et al.) vi die unapologetic manier waa’op díe vrouens oorie vroue liggaam geskryf et. Die struktuur is largely influenced dee Joe Sacco se ‘Palestine’, waa’in hy die broader storie van Palestine vetel innie form van episodic short stories. Vi die sensitiewe handling van LGBTQ themes kyk ek na ‘Death: The Time of Your Life’ dee Neil Gaiman en ‘Blue is the Warmest Colour’ dee Julie Maroh. Ek draw ook oppie wêk van Nathan Trantraal en Gert Vlok Nel se poetry, virrie way hoe hulle oo arme mense skryf, Trantraal oo Bishop Lavis, Vlok Nel oo Beaufort Wes. En oek vi hoe beide skryf innie stem wat hulle praat. , Thesis (MA) -- Faculty of Humanities, School of Languages and Literatures, 2021
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- Date Issued: 2021-10-29
Hierdie keer gaan nie maklik wees nie
- Authors: Visser, Deon Claudius
- Date: 2021-04
- Subjects: Creative writing (Higher education) -- South Africa , Diaries -- Authorship , Short stories, Afrikaans -- 21st century , Afrikaans fiction -- 21st century , Afrikaans fiction -- History and criticism
- Language: Afrikaans
- Type: thesis , text , Masters , MA
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/178317 , vital:42929
- Description: My tesis bestaan uit twee versamelings van prosa wat verwant en in noue verband met mekaar tree. Die prosa is fragmentaries en kort maar verbind met ‟n oorkoepelende storie wat in beide Afrikaans en Engels voorgelê word. Die Afrikaanse deel van my tesis ondersoek die verlede, en die Engels die toekoms. My algemene bron van inspirasie vir die struktuur en voorlegging van die tesis word verkry vanaf die klassieke raamverteller konvensie soos gebruik in One Thousand and One Nights, hierdie konvensie maak gebruik van raamfragmente wat binne ‟n groter geheel gevind kan word. Dit is juis hierdie komplekse struktuur wat dit moontlik maak om tyd, hede en verlede asook die toekoms, te kan ondersoek en uit te beeld. Verder maak dit dit ook moontlik om gekoppelde herinneringe, gedagteneigings, en fantasieverhale te kan gebruik as die dryfkrag van die oorkoepelende storie. Met betrekking tot kontemporêre fiksie vind ek die meeste aanklank en invloed by Sandra Cisneros se boek House on Mango Street. Ek het by hierdie verhaal geleer hoe om vignette en kortverhale onafhanklik maar met ‟n motief-verbinding aan mekaar te koppel. Tematies gesproke handel my tesis oor herinneringe, nostalgie, familieverhoudings, die dood asook afsluiting en aanbeweging. In terme van hierdie temas vind ek dat Nathan Trantraal se Chokers en Survivors, en Noudat Slapende Honde deur Ronelda S. Kamfer my die meeste insae gee oor die verhouding tussen Afrikaans en Engels in die literatuur. Verder is Loftus Marais se taalgebruik en die vermenging van taal in Staan in die Algemeen Nader aan Vensters ook insiggewend. , Thesis (MA) -- Faculty of Humanities, School of Languages and Literatures, 2021
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2021-04
- Authors: Visser, Deon Claudius
- Date: 2021-04
- Subjects: Creative writing (Higher education) -- South Africa , Diaries -- Authorship , Short stories, Afrikaans -- 21st century , Afrikaans fiction -- 21st century , Afrikaans fiction -- History and criticism
- Language: Afrikaans
- Type: thesis , text , Masters , MA
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/178317 , vital:42929
- Description: My tesis bestaan uit twee versamelings van prosa wat verwant en in noue verband met mekaar tree. Die prosa is fragmentaries en kort maar verbind met ‟n oorkoepelende storie wat in beide Afrikaans en Engels voorgelê word. Die Afrikaanse deel van my tesis ondersoek die verlede, en die Engels die toekoms. My algemene bron van inspirasie vir die struktuur en voorlegging van die tesis word verkry vanaf die klassieke raamverteller konvensie soos gebruik in One Thousand and One Nights, hierdie konvensie maak gebruik van raamfragmente wat binne ‟n groter geheel gevind kan word. Dit is juis hierdie komplekse struktuur wat dit moontlik maak om tyd, hede en verlede asook die toekoms, te kan ondersoek en uit te beeld. Verder maak dit dit ook moontlik om gekoppelde herinneringe, gedagteneigings, en fantasieverhale te kan gebruik as die dryfkrag van die oorkoepelende storie. Met betrekking tot kontemporêre fiksie vind ek die meeste aanklank en invloed by Sandra Cisneros se boek House on Mango Street. Ek het by hierdie verhaal geleer hoe om vignette en kortverhale onafhanklik maar met ‟n motief-verbinding aan mekaar te koppel. Tematies gesproke handel my tesis oor herinneringe, nostalgie, familieverhoudings, die dood asook afsluiting en aanbeweging. In terme van hierdie temas vind ek dat Nathan Trantraal se Chokers en Survivors, en Noudat Slapende Honde deur Ronelda S. Kamfer my die meeste insae gee oor die verhouding tussen Afrikaans en Engels in die literatuur. Verder is Loftus Marais se taalgebruik en die vermenging van taal in Staan in die Algemeen Nader aan Vensters ook insiggewend. , Thesis (MA) -- Faculty of Humanities, School of Languages and Literatures, 2021
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- Date Issued: 2021-04
'n Ondersoek na genderpolitieke kwessies in die kortverhale van Rachelle Greeff
- Authors: Gelderblom, Zel-Marí Kato
- Date: 2020
- Subjects: Women -- Political activity
- Language: Afrikaans
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/50756 , vital:42666
- Description: Hierdie verhandeling fokus op die genderpolitieke kwessies in die volgende geselekteerde kortverhale van Rachelle Greeff; “Borste en bandiet”, en “Snaaks watter simpel goed mens onthou”, uit die bundel Die rugkant van die bruid (1990), sowel as “Eters anoniem”, uit die bundel Onwaarskynlike Engele (1993). Die hoofdoel van die studie was om die essensies van genderpolitiek soos deur Greeff aangetoon, te bepaal ten einde die geslagsposisie van die hedendaagse vrou te belig. Daar is gekyk na die manier waarop Rachelle Greeff die fokus op die liggaamlikheid en spesifiek die uiterlike van die vrou plaas, sowel as die manier waarop Greeff stereotipes en taboes rondom die vrou afbreek. Judith Butler se genderteorie is gebruik om hierdie genderpolitieke kwessies te ondersoek, te bespreek en te analiseer. Hierdie is volgens my kennis die eerste verhandeling wat oor Rachelle Greeff se werk handel.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2020
- Authors: Gelderblom, Zel-Marí Kato
- Date: 2020
- Subjects: Women -- Political activity
- Language: Afrikaans
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/50756 , vital:42666
- Description: Hierdie verhandeling fokus op die genderpolitieke kwessies in die volgende geselekteerde kortverhale van Rachelle Greeff; “Borste en bandiet”, en “Snaaks watter simpel goed mens onthou”, uit die bundel Die rugkant van die bruid (1990), sowel as “Eters anoniem”, uit die bundel Onwaarskynlike Engele (1993). Die hoofdoel van die studie was om die essensies van genderpolitiek soos deur Greeff aangetoon, te bepaal ten einde die geslagsposisie van die hedendaagse vrou te belig. Daar is gekyk na die manier waarop Rachelle Greeff die fokus op die liggaamlikheid en spesifiek die uiterlike van die vrou plaas, sowel as die manier waarop Greeff stereotipes en taboes rondom die vrou afbreek. Judith Butler se genderteorie is gebruik om hierdie genderpolitieke kwessies te ondersoek, te bespreek en te analiseer. Hierdie is volgens my kennis die eerste verhandeling wat oor Rachelle Greeff se werk handel.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2020
- Authors: Kamfer, Ronelda S.
- Date: 2020
- Subjects: Afrikaans poetry -- 21st century
- Language: Afrikaans
- Type: text , Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/142375 , vital:38074
- Description: Creative work portfolio.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2020
- Authors: Kamfer, Ronelda S.
- Date: 2020
- Subjects: Afrikaans poetry -- 21st century
- Language: Afrikaans
- Type: text , Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/142375 , vital:38074
- Description: Creative work portfolio.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2020
- Authors: Trantraal, Nathan
- Date: 2020
- Subjects: Kaaps , South African fiction (English) -- 21st century , South African poetry (English) -- 21st century , Afrikaans fiction -- 21st century , Afrikaans poetry -- 21st century
- Language: Afrikaans , English
- Type: text , Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/145217 , vital:38419
- Description: Creative writing portfolio.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2020
- Authors: Trantraal, Nathan
- Date: 2020
- Subjects: Kaaps , South African fiction (English) -- 21st century , South African poetry (English) -- 21st century , Afrikaans fiction -- 21st century , Afrikaans poetry -- 21st century
- Language: Afrikaans , English
- Type: text , Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/145217 , vital:38419
- Description: Creative writing portfolio.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2020
Goeie maniere en etiket
- Authors: Van Staden, Antoinique
- Date: 2016
- Language: Afrikaans , English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:6011 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1021226
- Description: This bilingual collection of short stories combines the fairy tale form and the Bizarro genre to explore the value system ingrained in me at a very early age via my conservative Afrikaans upbringing. To my mind the four characteristics of the fairy tale form as identified by Kate Bernheimer (in her path-breaking essay “Fairy Tale is form, Form is Fairy Tale”) namely flatness, abstraction, intuitive logic and normalized magic, also apply to the Bizarro genre. This intersection is exemplified by some of Bernheimer's own fiction, as well as the fiction of Aimee Bender and Lucy Corin, among others, all of whom have influenced my writing. , Hierdie tweetalige versameling kortverhale kombineer sprokieselemente met die van die Bizarro-genre, om die waardesisteem wat van kleins af deur my konserwatiewe Afrikaanse opvoeding by my ingeprent is, te ondersoek. Die vier eienskappe van die sprokie word deur Kate Bernheimer in haar baanbrekende opstel Fairy tale is form, Form is fairy tale uitgelê as: ’n onbetrokke verteller, abstraksie, instinktiewe logika en genormaliseerde towerkuns. Na my mening is dié vier eienskappe ook op die Bizarro-genre van toepassing. Hierdie oorvleuling is sigbaar in Bernheimer se fiksie en ook onder andere Lucy Corin en Aimee Bender s'n – skrywers wat my werk beïnvloed het. , This thesis is presented in two parts: Afrikaans and English.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2016
- Authors: Van Staden, Antoinique
- Date: 2016
- Language: Afrikaans , English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:6011 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1021226
- Description: This bilingual collection of short stories combines the fairy tale form and the Bizarro genre to explore the value system ingrained in me at a very early age via my conservative Afrikaans upbringing. To my mind the four characteristics of the fairy tale form as identified by Kate Bernheimer (in her path-breaking essay “Fairy Tale is form, Form is Fairy Tale”) namely flatness, abstraction, intuitive logic and normalized magic, also apply to the Bizarro genre. This intersection is exemplified by some of Bernheimer's own fiction, as well as the fiction of Aimee Bender and Lucy Corin, among others, all of whom have influenced my writing. , Hierdie tweetalige versameling kortverhale kombineer sprokieselemente met die van die Bizarro-genre, om die waardesisteem wat van kleins af deur my konserwatiewe Afrikaanse opvoeding by my ingeprent is, te ondersoek. Die vier eienskappe van die sprokie word deur Kate Bernheimer in haar baanbrekende opstel Fairy tale is form, Form is fairy tale uitgelê as: ’n onbetrokke verteller, abstraksie, instinktiewe logika en genormaliseerde towerkuns. Na my mening is dié vier eienskappe ook op die Bizarro-genre van toepassing. Hierdie oorvleuling is sigbaar in Bernheimer se fiksie en ook onder andere Lucy Corin en Aimee Bender s'n – skrywers wat my werk beïnvloed het. , This thesis is presented in two parts: Afrikaans and English.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2016
Die verjaardagvers-ritueel in Breyten Breytenbach se oeuvre
- Authors: Tait, Charles Norman
- Date: 2015
- Subjects: Breytenbach, Breyten -- Poetry , Poets, South African
- Language: Afrikaans
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/5076 , vital:20800
- Description: This study investigates the subgenre of the birthday poem within Breyten Breytenbach’s poetical oeuvre. Throughout the now half a century of his poetic production the writer has repeatedly written poems for himself on his birthday on 16 September of each new year (as well as a smaller number to his wife and close friends) The writing of birthday poems becomes a ritualist poetical act throughout the poet’s life and poetical oeuvre, one that has served many purposes over the years of Breytenbach’s increasingly nomadic existence. This study’s scope spans fifty years of poetical output, starting with the poet’s debut anthology, Die ysterkoei moet sweet (1964), including all the anthologies up to the publication of vyf-en-veertig skemeraandsange uit die eenbeendanser se werkruimte (2014). A small literary history is offered at the outset of the tradition of the birthday poem, based in classical Roman times (Argetsinger,K 1992) and following through to modern times. After describing the reasons for the sometimes challenging task of identifying birthday poems (unmarked by dates, having to rely on inference deduced from the content, and the like), the poems are analyzed with a particular focus on their nature and function within the larger context of the poet’s oeuvre. The research is organized according to the separate phases traceable in Breyten Breytenbach’s oeuvre (Van Vuuren 2011: 46–56), describing the steadily shifting themes and motifs of the subgenre throughout each of the four phases (pre-prison, prison, post-prison and late work phases). It was found that the birthday poems cohere as a subgenre within the oeuvre. Breytenbach’s birthday poems have a distinctive character and certain identifiable qualities (ritualistic characteristics such as reflection on the self within the present, reflection on time past, evaluating the situation and self on the particular birthday. Placed against the specific context in which the poet finds himself, with a poetical and autobiographical way forward implied in the given milieu and context, psychological insights are utilized where applicable, especially in the prison birthday poems and the late work birthday poems. A remarkable new insight gained through this study is the nature of he “reminiscence bump” (Janssen, Haque 2014) which older people experience, and is identified also in Breytenbach’s late work birthday poems. This adds to and refines the understanding of the nature of late work in Breytenbach’s poetical oeuvre. A final insight gained from the research is that description and comprehension of this smaller corpus of birthday poems (roughly thirty identified at present) may also be used as an entry into understanding of the nature of the poet’s large oeuvre (comprising twenty collections of poetry, containing around 1,600 poems between 1964 and 2014), as they represent each stage of development in Breyten Breytenbach’s oeuvre.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2015
- Authors: Tait, Charles Norman
- Date: 2015
- Subjects: Breytenbach, Breyten -- Poetry , Poets, South African
- Language: Afrikaans
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/5076 , vital:20800
- Description: This study investigates the subgenre of the birthday poem within Breyten Breytenbach’s poetical oeuvre. Throughout the now half a century of his poetic production the writer has repeatedly written poems for himself on his birthday on 16 September of each new year (as well as a smaller number to his wife and close friends) The writing of birthday poems becomes a ritualist poetical act throughout the poet’s life and poetical oeuvre, one that has served many purposes over the years of Breytenbach’s increasingly nomadic existence. This study’s scope spans fifty years of poetical output, starting with the poet’s debut anthology, Die ysterkoei moet sweet (1964), including all the anthologies up to the publication of vyf-en-veertig skemeraandsange uit die eenbeendanser se werkruimte (2014). A small literary history is offered at the outset of the tradition of the birthday poem, based in classical Roman times (Argetsinger,K 1992) and following through to modern times. After describing the reasons for the sometimes challenging task of identifying birthday poems (unmarked by dates, having to rely on inference deduced from the content, and the like), the poems are analyzed with a particular focus on their nature and function within the larger context of the poet’s oeuvre. The research is organized according to the separate phases traceable in Breyten Breytenbach’s oeuvre (Van Vuuren 2011: 46–56), describing the steadily shifting themes and motifs of the subgenre throughout each of the four phases (pre-prison, prison, post-prison and late work phases). It was found that the birthday poems cohere as a subgenre within the oeuvre. Breytenbach’s birthday poems have a distinctive character and certain identifiable qualities (ritualistic characteristics such as reflection on the self within the present, reflection on time past, evaluating the situation and self on the particular birthday. Placed against the specific context in which the poet finds himself, with a poetical and autobiographical way forward implied in the given milieu and context, psychological insights are utilized where applicable, especially in the prison birthday poems and the late work birthday poems. A remarkable new insight gained through this study is the nature of he “reminiscence bump” (Janssen, Haque 2014) which older people experience, and is identified also in Breytenbach’s late work birthday poems. This adds to and refines the understanding of the nature of late work in Breytenbach’s poetical oeuvre. A final insight gained from the research is that description and comprehension of this smaller corpus of birthday poems (roughly thirty identified at present) may also be used as an entry into understanding of the nature of the poet’s large oeuvre (comprising twenty collections of poetry, containing around 1,600 poems between 1964 and 2014), as they represent each stage of development in Breyten Breytenbach’s oeuvre.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2015
'n Analise van die gebruik van satire in enkele tekste van Marlene van Niekerk
- Authors: Stoltz, Wessel
- Date: 2011
- Subjects: Van Niekerk, Marlene -- Criticism and interpretation , Satire
- Language: Afrikaans
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:8477 , http://hdl.handle.net/10948/d1018804
- Description: Through the ages satirists have exposed and ridiculed certain malpractices in society in their texts. They have often done so in a language filled with irony and exaggeration. For the purpose of this dissertation I wish to focus on three texts by Marlene van Niekerk, the eminent Afrikaans author, and analyse the way in which she uses satire to comment particularly on contemporary South African society and address issues such as violence, the 2010 World Cup, corruption and violence against women and children. The three texts under discussion are the two lengthy poems, ―Suid Afrika and ―Brief aan president Motlanthe [―Letter to President Motlanthe] and her play Die kortstondige raklewe van Anastacia W [The brief shelf-life of Anastacia W]. She bases her writings on real life incidents and events written about in the newspapers and these clippings serve as intertexts for her critique of society.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2011
- Authors: Stoltz, Wessel
- Date: 2011
- Subjects: Van Niekerk, Marlene -- Criticism and interpretation , Satire
- Language: Afrikaans
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:8477 , http://hdl.handle.net/10948/d1018804
- Description: Through the ages satirists have exposed and ridiculed certain malpractices in society in their texts. They have often done so in a language filled with irony and exaggeration. For the purpose of this dissertation I wish to focus on three texts by Marlene van Niekerk, the eminent Afrikaans author, and analyse the way in which she uses satire to comment particularly on contemporary South African society and address issues such as violence, the 2010 World Cup, corruption and violence against women and children. The three texts under discussion are the two lengthy poems, ―Suid Afrika and ―Brief aan president Motlanthe [―Letter to President Motlanthe] and her play Die kortstondige raklewe van Anastacia W [The brief shelf-life of Anastacia W]. She bases her writings on real life incidents and events written about in the newspapers and these clippings serve as intertexts for her critique of society.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2011
Die outobiografiese kode in Antjie Krog se poëtiese oeuvre
- Authors: Botha, Maria Elizabeth
- Date: 2011
- Subjects: Krog, Antjie -- Criticism and interpretation , Autobiography -- History and criticism , Afrikaans poetry -- 20th century -- History and criticism
- Language: Afrikaans
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , DLitt
- Identifier: vital:8444 , http://hdl.handle.net/10948/1534 , Krog, Antjie -- Criticism and interpretation , Autobiography -- History and criticism , Afrikaans poetry -- 20th century -- History and criticism
- Description: This study primarily investigates the autobiographical code in Antjie Krog's poetical oeuvre, spanning from 1970 to the present. Krog's poetry collections may be read as offering life writing through poetry, while the prose works mostly present the reader with a mixture of autobiographical fact plus creative reworkings of fact and fiction. Even though her 10 volumes of poetry follow her biological development from young girl to grandmother, uncertainty still exists about about where truth ends and fiction begins in this poet and autobiographer's interwoven tapestry of multiple and varied perspectives. Furthermore, autobiographical (as utilised and adapted in Krog's oeuvre, in combination with the conventioans from other genres), offers a variety of creatively innovative, experimental strategies and possibilities exploited adroitly by Krog. Reading her poetry with the focus on autobiographical markers leads to another, mostly untapped, dimension of interpretation. This literary approach is in stark contrast to the approach prescibed by N.P. van Wyk Louw in "Die 'mens' agter die boek" ["The 'Person' behind the Book] (1956), in which he states clearly that a text should be interpreted as not "about the human behind the text". To a large extent Krog as poet is inviting the reader to consciously break the taboo that Louw placed on the reader intent on "searching the actual person behind the text". My hypothesis is that in Krog's poetry there is a distinct interrelationship between the perceptions, experiences and sensual impressions of the lyrical "I" in the poems and that of the authobiographical "I" writing. It would be irresponsible to declare the poet and the speaker as one and the same, but in instances where the poet purposefully integrates autobiographical elements into her poems, she is implicitly requesting the reader to interpret her work in this way. This fictive and implicit request is referred to by Philippe Lejeune as the autobiographical poet. Krog's poetry can be divided into four categories: "direct autobiographical", "indirect autobiographical", "universal" and "general" poems. The first category involves criteria that are linked to the poet, such as the use of the names, initials and dates. Indirect autobiographical poems can be read against the background of knowledge (previously published information) about the poet. Poetry with no apparent autobiographical element, but with universal themes such as love, loss and transience, fall into the third category of "universal" poetry. If poems do not fit into the mentioned categories, they are deemed "general".
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2011
- Authors: Botha, Maria Elizabeth
- Date: 2011
- Subjects: Krog, Antjie -- Criticism and interpretation , Autobiography -- History and criticism , Afrikaans poetry -- 20th century -- History and criticism
- Language: Afrikaans
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , DLitt
- Identifier: vital:8444 , http://hdl.handle.net/10948/1534 , Krog, Antjie -- Criticism and interpretation , Autobiography -- History and criticism , Afrikaans poetry -- 20th century -- History and criticism
- Description: This study primarily investigates the autobiographical code in Antjie Krog's poetical oeuvre, spanning from 1970 to the present. Krog's poetry collections may be read as offering life writing through poetry, while the prose works mostly present the reader with a mixture of autobiographical fact plus creative reworkings of fact and fiction. Even though her 10 volumes of poetry follow her biological development from young girl to grandmother, uncertainty still exists about about where truth ends and fiction begins in this poet and autobiographer's interwoven tapestry of multiple and varied perspectives. Furthermore, autobiographical (as utilised and adapted in Krog's oeuvre, in combination with the conventioans from other genres), offers a variety of creatively innovative, experimental strategies and possibilities exploited adroitly by Krog. Reading her poetry with the focus on autobiographical markers leads to another, mostly untapped, dimension of interpretation. This literary approach is in stark contrast to the approach prescibed by N.P. van Wyk Louw in "Die 'mens' agter die boek" ["The 'Person' behind the Book] (1956), in which he states clearly that a text should be interpreted as not "about the human behind the text". To a large extent Krog as poet is inviting the reader to consciously break the taboo that Louw placed on the reader intent on "searching the actual person behind the text". My hypothesis is that in Krog's poetry there is a distinct interrelationship between the perceptions, experiences and sensual impressions of the lyrical "I" in the poems and that of the authobiographical "I" writing. It would be irresponsible to declare the poet and the speaker as one and the same, but in instances where the poet purposefully integrates autobiographical elements into her poems, she is implicitly requesting the reader to interpret her work in this way. This fictive and implicit request is referred to by Philippe Lejeune as the autobiographical poet. Krog's poetry can be divided into four categories: "direct autobiographical", "indirect autobiographical", "universal" and "general" poems. The first category involves criteria that are linked to the poet, such as the use of the names, initials and dates. Indirect autobiographical poems can be read against the background of knowledge (previously published information) about the poet. Poetry with no apparent autobiographical element, but with universal themes such as love, loss and transience, fall into the third category of "universal" poetry. If poems do not fit into the mentioned categories, they are deemed "general".
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2011
Horrelpoot (2006) van Eben Venter as apokaliptiese roman: 'n intertekstuele studie
- Authors: Roth, Johan Friedrich
- Date: 2011
- Subjects: Venter, Eben. Hoorelpoort , Apocalyptic literature
- Language: Afrikaans
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:8445 , http://hdl.handle.net/10948/1492 , Venter, Eben. Hoorelpoort , Apocalyptic literature
- Description: The dissertation offers a comparative reading of Eben Venter's Horrelpoot (2006) and Joseph Conrad's A Heart of Darkness (1902). The aim of this investigation is to establish whether the Afrikaans novel is overshadowed by the classical text, or whether it is an independent text in its own right. Following on a short reception study of reviews and articles published on Venter's latest fictional work, Horrelpoot, is read as an apocalyptic and / or dystopic novel. Whereas Conrad's novel is set in the Congo, Eben Venter opts for a fictionalized post-apartheid South African society riddled with social problems and a complete lack of infrastructure. The ideological notions pertaining to white South African fearing a black future form the crux of Venter's analysis of the contemporary white psyche in South Africa. From an intertextual point of view Venter's re-writing of Conrad's classic is a clear example of how, according to Kristeva's definition, one sign system is transposed into another. What is the result of this for the reception of the contemporary novel? Is one able to read Venter's novel without having to rely on Conrad's novel as intertext? An overview of the different theoretical views on intertextuality is also provided. The apocalyptic vision in Venter's novel is also examined against the background of a series of related novels in South Africa that deal with the same issue. In the 1980s apocalyptic novels focused primarily on apartheid society as symbolizing a dystopic, amoral and oppressive society that needed to be overthrown in favour of a more utopian non-racial society. Venter's novel places a question mark behind such an assumption as it shows that living in a post-apartheid society could even be worse and more dictatorial.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2011
- Authors: Roth, Johan Friedrich
- Date: 2011
- Subjects: Venter, Eben. Hoorelpoort , Apocalyptic literature
- Language: Afrikaans
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:8445 , http://hdl.handle.net/10948/1492 , Venter, Eben. Hoorelpoort , Apocalyptic literature
- Description: The dissertation offers a comparative reading of Eben Venter's Horrelpoot (2006) and Joseph Conrad's A Heart of Darkness (1902). The aim of this investigation is to establish whether the Afrikaans novel is overshadowed by the classical text, or whether it is an independent text in its own right. Following on a short reception study of reviews and articles published on Venter's latest fictional work, Horrelpoot, is read as an apocalyptic and / or dystopic novel. Whereas Conrad's novel is set in the Congo, Eben Venter opts for a fictionalized post-apartheid South African society riddled with social problems and a complete lack of infrastructure. The ideological notions pertaining to white South African fearing a black future form the crux of Venter's analysis of the contemporary white psyche in South Africa. From an intertextual point of view Venter's re-writing of Conrad's classic is a clear example of how, according to Kristeva's definition, one sign system is transposed into another. What is the result of this for the reception of the contemporary novel? Is one able to read Venter's novel without having to rely on Conrad's novel as intertext? An overview of the different theoretical views on intertextuality is also provided. The apocalyptic vision in Venter's novel is also examined against the background of a series of related novels in South Africa that deal with the same issue. In the 1980s apocalyptic novels focused primarily on apartheid society as symbolizing a dystopic, amoral and oppressive society that needed to be overthrown in favour of a more utopian non-racial society. Venter's novel places a question mark behind such an assumption as it shows that living in a post-apartheid society could even be worse and more dictatorial.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2011
'n Vergelykende studie van Ingrid Winterbach se Die boek van toeval en toeverlaat (2006) en Etienne van Heerden se Asbesmiddag (2007)
- Authors: Strydom, Gideon Louwrens
- Date: 2010
- Subjects: Winterbach, Ingrid. Die boek van toeval en toeverlaat , Van Heerden, Etienne 1954- . Asbesmiddag , Afrikaans literature -- 21st century -- History and criticism
- Language: Afrikaans
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:8449 , http://hdl.handle.net/10948/1419 , Winterbach, Ingrid. Die boek van toeval en toeverlaat , Van Heerden, Etienne 1954- . Asbesmiddag , Afrikaans literature -- 21st century -- History and criticism
- Description: The focus of this dissertation is a comparative study of Ingrid Winterbach's Die boek van toeval en toeverlaat (2006) [The Book of Happenstance (2008)] and Etienne van Heerden's Asbesmiddag (2007) [Asbestos Afternoon] within an intertextual and socio-political framework. Both novels show strong links to the literary traditions of which they form part through a high degree of intertextuality with literary predecessors (intertexts from Afrikaans and South African English literature, but also classical intertexts emanating from the larger field of world literature). Both texts exhibit an overt metatextual consciousness. The protagonists in each of these novels are portrayed as novelists. One of the main aims of the study is to interrogate the implied ideological perspectives in both novels - the nature and extent of the reflection of the current South African socio-political system. Winterbach and Van Heerden‘s texts may both be read as fictionalised forms of "protest" against the extrinsic South African socio-political order. These forms of protest focus on the inevitable change from one stage/era to the next, the old South Africa to the new, in a quest for artistic (creative writing and literature) and cultural (Afrikaner identity and language) survival. Die boek van toeval en toeverlaat (2006) and Asbesmiddag (2007) contribute to contemporary discourse by offering implied ideological insights into specific socio-political and metatextual phenomena. This is done in fictional guise - through the characters populating the fictional world of the novel, and also through the authors' implied ideological views. Both novels are intensely concerned with language issues, as well as the status of literature as cultural product. On the metatextual level theoretical issues concerning literature are in the focus, such as the precarious position of the novelist (and the academic) in contemporary South African society, and the status of literature and Afrikaans as a minority language. The purpose of this comparative study is to look at the metatextual, ideological and linguistic aspects of the novels through an extensive intertextual study, in order to interrogate and illustrate the socio-political discourse embedded in them.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2010
- Authors: Strydom, Gideon Louwrens
- Date: 2010
- Subjects: Winterbach, Ingrid. Die boek van toeval en toeverlaat , Van Heerden, Etienne 1954- . Asbesmiddag , Afrikaans literature -- 21st century -- History and criticism
- Language: Afrikaans
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:8449 , http://hdl.handle.net/10948/1419 , Winterbach, Ingrid. Die boek van toeval en toeverlaat , Van Heerden, Etienne 1954- . Asbesmiddag , Afrikaans literature -- 21st century -- History and criticism
- Description: The focus of this dissertation is a comparative study of Ingrid Winterbach's Die boek van toeval en toeverlaat (2006) [The Book of Happenstance (2008)] and Etienne van Heerden's Asbesmiddag (2007) [Asbestos Afternoon] within an intertextual and socio-political framework. Both novels show strong links to the literary traditions of which they form part through a high degree of intertextuality with literary predecessors (intertexts from Afrikaans and South African English literature, but also classical intertexts emanating from the larger field of world literature). Both texts exhibit an overt metatextual consciousness. The protagonists in each of these novels are portrayed as novelists. One of the main aims of the study is to interrogate the implied ideological perspectives in both novels - the nature and extent of the reflection of the current South African socio-political system. Winterbach and Van Heerden‘s texts may both be read as fictionalised forms of "protest" against the extrinsic South African socio-political order. These forms of protest focus on the inevitable change from one stage/era to the next, the old South Africa to the new, in a quest for artistic (creative writing and literature) and cultural (Afrikaner identity and language) survival. Die boek van toeval en toeverlaat (2006) and Asbesmiddag (2007) contribute to contemporary discourse by offering implied ideological insights into specific socio-political and metatextual phenomena. This is done in fictional guise - through the characters populating the fictional world of the novel, and also through the authors' implied ideological views. Both novels are intensely concerned with language issues, as well as the status of literature as cultural product. On the metatextual level theoretical issues concerning literature are in the focus, such as the precarious position of the novelist (and the academic) in contemporary South African society, and the status of literature and Afrikaans as a minority language. The purpose of this comparative study is to look at the metatextual, ideological and linguistic aspects of the novels through an extensive intertextual study, in order to interrogate and illustrate the socio-political discourse embedded in them.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2010
Die geskiedenis van Despatch, 1945-1995: 'n verkennende studie
- Authors: Steyn, Jacobus Pieter
- Date: 2010
- Subjects: Dispatch (South Africa) -- History , Afrikaners -- South Africa -- Despatch
- Language: Afrikaans
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:16142 , http://hdl.handle.net/10948/1116 , Dispatch (South Africa) -- History , Afrikaners -- South Africa -- Despatch
- Description: Hierdie studie se fokus is op die wit Afrikaanssprekende-gemeenskap van Despatch. Daar word op die sosiale, politieke en godsdienstige geskiedenis van die wit Afrikaanssprekende-gemeenskap op Despatch gekonsentreer. Die studie ondersoek slegs die geskiedenis van die wit Afrikaanssprekende-gemeenskap van Despatch aangesien die dorp bekend daarvoor is dat dit oorwegend ʼn wit Afrikaanssprekende-gemeenskap is. Die ekonomie van Despatch en die bruin en swart inwoners word egter kortliks bespreek. Die tydperk van hierdie studie handel van 1945 – 1995. Dit was tydens hierdie jare wat Despatch amptelik as ʼn munisipaliteit gefunksioneer het. Uit die aard van die saak moet die studie gebeure wat aanleiding tot die nedersetting van wit mense langs die oewer van die Swartkopsrivier bespreek. Daar word ʼn kort studie gemaak van die periode 1700 (toe die eerste wit mense hulle langs die oewers van die Swartkopsrivier gevestig het) tot 1939 (wat die begin was van permanente nedersettings langs die syspoor op Despatch). Sekere gebeure word verder as 1995 bespreek. Dit word gedoen om kontinuiteit te behou wanneer belangrike gebeurtenisse, soos die oorskakeling na demokratiese regering in 1994, ondersoek word. Die doel van die studie is om ʼn verkennende ondersoek rakende die geskiedenis van die wit Afrikaanssprekende-gemeenskap van Despatch te doen. Die studie is ʼn verkennende ondersoek omrede nie al die aspekte van die geskiedenis van Despatch ondersoek sal word nie. Slegs die wit Afrikaanssprekende-gemeenskap se sosiale strukture (onderwys, godsdiens en kultuur), munisipale bestuur en politiek sal ondersoek word.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2010
- Authors: Steyn, Jacobus Pieter
- Date: 2010
- Subjects: Dispatch (South Africa) -- History , Afrikaners -- South Africa -- Despatch
- Language: Afrikaans
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:16142 , http://hdl.handle.net/10948/1116 , Dispatch (South Africa) -- History , Afrikaners -- South Africa -- Despatch
- Description: Hierdie studie se fokus is op die wit Afrikaanssprekende-gemeenskap van Despatch. Daar word op die sosiale, politieke en godsdienstige geskiedenis van die wit Afrikaanssprekende-gemeenskap op Despatch gekonsentreer. Die studie ondersoek slegs die geskiedenis van die wit Afrikaanssprekende-gemeenskap van Despatch aangesien die dorp bekend daarvoor is dat dit oorwegend ʼn wit Afrikaanssprekende-gemeenskap is. Die ekonomie van Despatch en die bruin en swart inwoners word egter kortliks bespreek. Die tydperk van hierdie studie handel van 1945 – 1995. Dit was tydens hierdie jare wat Despatch amptelik as ʼn munisipaliteit gefunksioneer het. Uit die aard van die saak moet die studie gebeure wat aanleiding tot die nedersetting van wit mense langs die oewer van die Swartkopsrivier bespreek. Daar word ʼn kort studie gemaak van die periode 1700 (toe die eerste wit mense hulle langs die oewers van die Swartkopsrivier gevestig het) tot 1939 (wat die begin was van permanente nedersettings langs die syspoor op Despatch). Sekere gebeure word verder as 1995 bespreek. Dit word gedoen om kontinuiteit te behou wanneer belangrike gebeurtenisse, soos die oorskakeling na demokratiese regering in 1994, ondersoek word. Die doel van die studie is om ʼn verkennende ondersoek rakende die geskiedenis van die wit Afrikaanssprekende-gemeenskap van Despatch te doen. Die studie is ʼn verkennende ondersoek omrede nie al die aspekte van die geskiedenis van Despatch ondersoek sal word nie. Slegs die wit Afrikaanssprekende-gemeenskap se sosiale strukture (onderwys, godsdiens en kultuur), munisipale bestuur en politiek sal ondersoek word.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2010
Psigobiografiese persoonlikheidsbeskrywing van Generaal Christiaan de Wet
- Authors: Henning, Riana
- Date: 2010
- Subjects: De Wet, Christiaan Rudolf, 1854-1922 Psychology -- Biographical methods Psychoanalysis Big Five model Politicians -- Psychology South Africa -- Politics and government -- 1836-1909 South Africa -- Politics and government -- 1909-1948
- Language: Afrikaans
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: vital:2990 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1002499
- Description: Hierdie is 'n psigobiografiese studie van Generaal Christiaan Rudolph de Wet. 'n Psigobiografiese studie is die bestudering van 'n persoon se volledige lewe met die doel om die persoon beter te verstaan. Psigobiografiese navorsing maak gebruik van psigologiese teorieë wat aangewend word om die biografiese data van 'n persoon se lewe te beskryf en moontlik ook te verklaar. Die individu wat bestudeer word, is gewoonlik 'n bekende, invloedryke, navolgenswaardige, interessante of modelfiguur. Daar is tans 'n oplewing in die veld van psigobiografiese studies, maar daar word nog steeds nie genoeg in die akademiese veld gedoen om psigobiografiese studies te bevorder nie. De Wet (1854-1922) is vir hierdie studie gekies omdat hy 'n interessante, dog komplekse figuur was. Hy het veral tydens die Anglo-Boereoorlog in 1899-1902 bekendheid verwerf. As 45-jarige man het De Wet in die Anglo-Boereoorlog geveg en vinnig opgang as 'n militêre leier gemaak. Sy vindingryke ontsnappingspogings het die Britse magte hoofbrekens besorg. Wat De Wet verder uniek maak, is dat hy met net drie maande skoolopleiding in die parlement gedien het, as president verkies is, die hoogste gesag in die Verdedigingsmag gehad het en 'n boek oor sy oorlogsherinneringe geskryf het. Alhoewel daar akademiese werke oor De Wet bestaan, is daar tot op hede nog geen psigobiografiese studie oor hom gedoen nie. Die doel van die studie was om die mens agter die legende na vore te bring. Daar is ook gepoog om moontlike antwoorde en verklarings op onbeantwoorde vrae te gee. Die studie het van beide kwalitatiewe en kwantitatiewe data gebruik gemaak en kan as 'n psigobiografiese gevalstudie beskryf word. Die Vyf-faktor model van Costa en McCrae (1992) is op die biografiese data van De Wet toegepas om sodoende sy persoonlikheidseienskappe te beskryf. Die bevindinge het interessante persoonlikheidseienskappe van De Wet deur middel van die Vyf-faktor model aan die lig gebring. Volgens die kwalitatiewe navorsingsbevindinge was De Wet 'n vyandige, aksie-gedrewe, bevoegde, prestasie-strewende, selfgedissiplineerde, warm, openhartige, saggeaarde en beskeie persoon. Die kwalitatiewe en kwantitatiewe data-ontledings het uiteenlopende persoonlikheidskenmerke by De Wet geïdentifiseer. Die grootste verskille het by die fasette warmte, openhartigheid en altruïsme voorgekom. Die waarde van die studie is dat 'n wetenskaplike persoonlikheidsontleding van De Wet gedoen is. Dit is ook die eerste studie waar 'n teoretiese model op De Wet se persoonlikheid toegepas is. Alhoewel die studie sekere tekortkominge toon, beklemtoon dit terselfdertyd die wenslikheid daarvan om alternatiewe modelle te gebruik tydens die ontleding van persoonlikheidskenmerke. Die studie dui ook op die behoefte aan verdere navorsing, byvoorbeeld soortgelyke ontledings en vergelykings van die persoonlikhede van ander militêre bevelvoerders (De la Rey, Smuts, Beyers, Hertzog).
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2010
- Authors: Henning, Riana
- Date: 2010
- Subjects: De Wet, Christiaan Rudolf, 1854-1922 Psychology -- Biographical methods Psychoanalysis Big Five model Politicians -- Psychology South Africa -- Politics and government -- 1836-1909 South Africa -- Politics and government -- 1909-1948
- Language: Afrikaans
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: vital:2990 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1002499
- Description: Hierdie is 'n psigobiografiese studie van Generaal Christiaan Rudolph de Wet. 'n Psigobiografiese studie is die bestudering van 'n persoon se volledige lewe met die doel om die persoon beter te verstaan. Psigobiografiese navorsing maak gebruik van psigologiese teorieë wat aangewend word om die biografiese data van 'n persoon se lewe te beskryf en moontlik ook te verklaar. Die individu wat bestudeer word, is gewoonlik 'n bekende, invloedryke, navolgenswaardige, interessante of modelfiguur. Daar is tans 'n oplewing in die veld van psigobiografiese studies, maar daar word nog steeds nie genoeg in die akademiese veld gedoen om psigobiografiese studies te bevorder nie. De Wet (1854-1922) is vir hierdie studie gekies omdat hy 'n interessante, dog komplekse figuur was. Hy het veral tydens die Anglo-Boereoorlog in 1899-1902 bekendheid verwerf. As 45-jarige man het De Wet in die Anglo-Boereoorlog geveg en vinnig opgang as 'n militêre leier gemaak. Sy vindingryke ontsnappingspogings het die Britse magte hoofbrekens besorg. Wat De Wet verder uniek maak, is dat hy met net drie maande skoolopleiding in die parlement gedien het, as president verkies is, die hoogste gesag in die Verdedigingsmag gehad het en 'n boek oor sy oorlogsherinneringe geskryf het. Alhoewel daar akademiese werke oor De Wet bestaan, is daar tot op hede nog geen psigobiografiese studie oor hom gedoen nie. Die doel van die studie was om die mens agter die legende na vore te bring. Daar is ook gepoog om moontlike antwoorde en verklarings op onbeantwoorde vrae te gee. Die studie het van beide kwalitatiewe en kwantitatiewe data gebruik gemaak en kan as 'n psigobiografiese gevalstudie beskryf word. Die Vyf-faktor model van Costa en McCrae (1992) is op die biografiese data van De Wet toegepas om sodoende sy persoonlikheidseienskappe te beskryf. Die bevindinge het interessante persoonlikheidseienskappe van De Wet deur middel van die Vyf-faktor model aan die lig gebring. Volgens die kwalitatiewe navorsingsbevindinge was De Wet 'n vyandige, aksie-gedrewe, bevoegde, prestasie-strewende, selfgedissiplineerde, warm, openhartige, saggeaarde en beskeie persoon. Die kwalitatiewe en kwantitatiewe data-ontledings het uiteenlopende persoonlikheidskenmerke by De Wet geïdentifiseer. Die grootste verskille het by die fasette warmte, openhartigheid en altruïsme voorgekom. Die waarde van die studie is dat 'n wetenskaplike persoonlikheidsontleding van De Wet gedoen is. Dit is ook die eerste studie waar 'n teoretiese model op De Wet se persoonlikheid toegepas is. Alhoewel die studie sekere tekortkominge toon, beklemtoon dit terselfdertyd die wenslikheid daarvan om alternatiewe modelle te gebruik tydens die ontleding van persoonlikheidskenmerke. Die studie dui ook op die behoefte aan verdere navorsing, byvoorbeeld soortgelyke ontledings en vergelykings van die persoonlikhede van ander militêre bevelvoerders (De la Rey, Smuts, Beyers, Hertzog).
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- Date Issued: 2010
Identity and difference: a postcolonial analysis of Cape Malay as depicted in the literary texts from selected South African writers
- Authors: Chaudhari, Shamiega
- Date: 2009-11
- Subjects: Postcolonialism , Orientalism
- Language: Afrikaans
- Type: text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/${Handle} , vital:64143
- Description: The identity of the Cape Malay is usually reduced to the submissive, the comic and the exotic dishes such as bobotie, curry and samosas. Terms like "slams","slaamaaier" and "halfnaatjie" (Roos 2003:3) were just a few of the derogatory names that was awarded to the Cape Malay. Many of these terms and identity constructions are in the South African literature immortalized. The true history, the struggle, tears and sacrifices of this community slipped by unnoticed and in silence. And today, after all this suffering, they become identity is called into question and this identity is referred to as a controversial identity. In the Western Cape this identity mainly centered around being Malay, being Coloured, Being Cape Muslim or Black Muslim. It seems as if the Cape Malay is in an intermediate identity (defined in English as "inbetweenness") are trapped, defined by their "Muslimness","Cape-ness", "Malay-ness" and "Coloured-ness". This dissertation examines the controversy of the Cape Malay identity and focus specifically on identity construction and Otherness. It emphasizes certain characteristics that people divided due to certain character traits that are different from the norm and therefore cause that they are considered the Other. The study is undertaken with the aim of establishing the authenticity of the Cape Malay identity state and how it is depicted in the works of selected South African writers. It intends to look specifically at the construction of identity through Otherness during the colonial period in Southern Africa as well as how these identities were implemented, rejected or accepted is. , Thesis (MA) -- Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, 2009
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2009-11
- Authors: Chaudhari, Shamiega
- Date: 2009-11
- Subjects: Postcolonialism , Orientalism
- Language: Afrikaans
- Type: text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/${Handle} , vital:64143
- Description: The identity of the Cape Malay is usually reduced to the submissive, the comic and the exotic dishes such as bobotie, curry and samosas. Terms like "slams","slaamaaier" and "halfnaatjie" (Roos 2003:3) were just a few of the derogatory names that was awarded to the Cape Malay. Many of these terms and identity constructions are in the South African literature immortalized. The true history, the struggle, tears and sacrifices of this community slipped by unnoticed and in silence. And today, after all this suffering, they become identity is called into question and this identity is referred to as a controversial identity. In the Western Cape this identity mainly centered around being Malay, being Coloured, Being Cape Muslim or Black Muslim. It seems as if the Cape Malay is in an intermediate identity (defined in English as "inbetweenness") are trapped, defined by their "Muslimness","Cape-ness", "Malay-ness" and "Coloured-ness". This dissertation examines the controversy of the Cape Malay identity and focus specifically on identity construction and Otherness. It emphasizes certain characteristics that people divided due to certain character traits that are different from the norm and therefore cause that they are considered the Other. The study is undertaken with the aim of establishing the authenticity of the Cape Malay identity state and how it is depicted in the works of selected South African writers. It intends to look specifically at the construction of identity through Otherness during the colonial period in Southern Africa as well as how these identities were implemented, rejected or accepted is. , Thesis (MA) -- Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, 2009
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- Date Issued: 2009-11
Van dagboek tot reisjoernaal : 'n literêre ondersoek na intertekstualiteit in Bidsprinkaan (2005) van André P. Brink
- Authors: Nagel, Amilinda
- Date: 2009
- Subjects: Brink, André Philippus, 1935-2015. Bidsprikaan , Afrikaans fiction -- 21st century -- History and criticism
- Language: Afrikaans
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:8457 , http://hdl.handle.net/10948/1050 , Brink, André Philippus, 1935-2015. Bidsprikaan , Afrikaans fiction -- 21st century -- History and criticism
- Description: The dissertation offers a reception study followed by a critical analysis of Bidsprinkaan by André P. Brink [Praying Mantis, 2005], as well as a careful study of the relevant historical and anthropological intertexts pertaining to the text. This research adds to a fuller understanding of the history of Cupido Kakkerlak and the missionaries. Brink encoded the novel with certain historical and anthropological codes, well-hidden beneath the surface of his fictional writing, thus achieving a finely balanced interaction between fact and fiction in his novelistic construct. This novelistic amalgam of the imaginative world with the historical and anthropological material, gives multidimensionality to the text which is not visible at a first superficial reading. Failing to recognize the traces to these intertexts, would result in a lesser understanding of the conflicting fields in which the main character is positioned, specifically between indigenous belief and Christianity, as well as between indigenous culture and mythology on the one hand, and western culture on the other hand. The author ‘encodes’ the novel (to use the terminology of Jakobson’s communication model) with these historical and anthropological intertexts, which the reader has to ‘decode’ in order to unlock the novel. One central technique therefore, is that of interwoven fact and fiction. This is a technique employed in most of Brink’s novels, such as ‘n Oomblik in die wind, 1975 [An Instant in the Wind], Houd-den-Bek, 1982 [A chain of voices,], Die eerste lewe van Adamastor, 1986 [The First Life of Adamastor, 1993], Inteendeel, 1993 [On the Contrary, 1993] and Duiwelskloof, 1998 [Devil’s Valley, 1998]. Khoi and San history, culture and identity also figure centrally in these novels. A further aspect of my hypothesis is suggested by the politically correct Afrikaans title, Bidsprinkaan (the common nomenclature for the praying mantis is “hotnotsgot”, which roughly translates as “hottentots’ god”, with obvious racial pejorative suggestion). Brink’s use of “bidsprinkaan” for his title, alerts the reader to contemporary political sensitivity, thus contrasting the society of two centuries ago with the present. The more sophisticated reading process followed here compares colonial and postcolonial South African societies, and attempts to tease out the implied ideological facet embedded in the novel.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2009
- Authors: Nagel, Amilinda
- Date: 2009
- Subjects: Brink, André Philippus, 1935-2015. Bidsprikaan , Afrikaans fiction -- 21st century -- History and criticism
- Language: Afrikaans
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:8457 , http://hdl.handle.net/10948/1050 , Brink, André Philippus, 1935-2015. Bidsprikaan , Afrikaans fiction -- 21st century -- History and criticism
- Description: The dissertation offers a reception study followed by a critical analysis of Bidsprinkaan by André P. Brink [Praying Mantis, 2005], as well as a careful study of the relevant historical and anthropological intertexts pertaining to the text. This research adds to a fuller understanding of the history of Cupido Kakkerlak and the missionaries. Brink encoded the novel with certain historical and anthropological codes, well-hidden beneath the surface of his fictional writing, thus achieving a finely balanced interaction between fact and fiction in his novelistic construct. This novelistic amalgam of the imaginative world with the historical and anthropological material, gives multidimensionality to the text which is not visible at a first superficial reading. Failing to recognize the traces to these intertexts, would result in a lesser understanding of the conflicting fields in which the main character is positioned, specifically between indigenous belief and Christianity, as well as between indigenous culture and mythology on the one hand, and western culture on the other hand. The author ‘encodes’ the novel (to use the terminology of Jakobson’s communication model) with these historical and anthropological intertexts, which the reader has to ‘decode’ in order to unlock the novel. One central technique therefore, is that of interwoven fact and fiction. This is a technique employed in most of Brink’s novels, such as ‘n Oomblik in die wind, 1975 [An Instant in the Wind], Houd-den-Bek, 1982 [A chain of voices,], Die eerste lewe van Adamastor, 1986 [The First Life of Adamastor, 1993], Inteendeel, 1993 [On the Contrary, 1993] and Duiwelskloof, 1998 [Devil’s Valley, 1998]. Khoi and San history, culture and identity also figure centrally in these novels. A further aspect of my hypothesis is suggested by the politically correct Afrikaans title, Bidsprinkaan (the common nomenclature for the praying mantis is “hotnotsgot”, which roughly translates as “hottentots’ god”, with obvious racial pejorative suggestion). Brink’s use of “bidsprinkaan” for his title, alerts the reader to contemporary political sensitivity, thus contrasting the society of two centuries ago with the present. The more sophisticated reading process followed here compares colonial and postcolonial South African societies, and attempts to tease out the implied ideological facet embedded in the novel.
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- Date Issued: 2009
Die bestuur van die geintegreerde gehaltebestuurstelsel
- Authors: James, Raymond Oscar
- Date: 2007
- Subjects: Total quality management -- South Africa , Quality assurance -- South Africa
- Language: Afrikaans
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MEd
- Identifier: vital:9540 , http://hdl.handle.net/10948/682 , Total quality management -- South Africa , Quality assurance -- South Africa
- Description: Die doel van hierdie studie was om te kyk hoe effektief die Geïntegreerde Gehaltebestuurstelsel (GGBS), en wel die taksering van opvoeders, bestuur kan word om positiewe resultate by skole te bereik. Die studie is gedoen binne die Interpretivistiese benadering. Data-invordering is gedoen deur middel van vraelyste, observasie en onderhoude. Die studie het getoon dat opvoeders onseker was, juis omdat die Onderwysdepartement nie die nodige leiding gegee en die nodige hulpbronne gehad het nie. Die afgelope twee jaar ( 2006 en 2007 ) egter het die Departement skouer aan die wiel gesit en hulp aan skole verleen, hetsy deur die beskikbaarstelling van die nodige vorms, of die aanstel van ‘n koördineerder om hulp aan skole te verskaf. Die belangrikste uitkomste van die studie was die besef dat opvoeders se vrese en aannames aangespreek moet word om ‘n gehaltebestuurstelsel effektief te maak. Slypskole moet gehou word om hulp en bystand aan die getakseerdes te verleen. Die bestuurspan van die skool moet ook indiensopleiding ondergaan, sodat hulle presies kan weet wat van hulle verwag word. Op hierdie manier word onsekerhede uit die weg geruim, want onsekerheid was die grootste probleem waarmee opvoeders te kampe gehad het in die implimentering van die GGBS.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2007
- Authors: James, Raymond Oscar
- Date: 2007
- Subjects: Total quality management -- South Africa , Quality assurance -- South Africa
- Language: Afrikaans
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MEd
- Identifier: vital:9540 , http://hdl.handle.net/10948/682 , Total quality management -- South Africa , Quality assurance -- South Africa
- Description: Die doel van hierdie studie was om te kyk hoe effektief die Geïntegreerde Gehaltebestuurstelsel (GGBS), en wel die taksering van opvoeders, bestuur kan word om positiewe resultate by skole te bereik. Die studie is gedoen binne die Interpretivistiese benadering. Data-invordering is gedoen deur middel van vraelyste, observasie en onderhoude. Die studie het getoon dat opvoeders onseker was, juis omdat die Onderwysdepartement nie die nodige leiding gegee en die nodige hulpbronne gehad het nie. Die afgelope twee jaar ( 2006 en 2007 ) egter het die Departement skouer aan die wiel gesit en hulp aan skole verleen, hetsy deur die beskikbaarstelling van die nodige vorms, of die aanstel van ‘n koördineerder om hulp aan skole te verskaf. Die belangrikste uitkomste van die studie was die besef dat opvoeders se vrese en aannames aangespreek moet word om ‘n gehaltebestuurstelsel effektief te maak. Slypskole moet gehou word om hulp en bystand aan die getakseerdes te verleen. Die bestuurspan van die skool moet ook indiensopleiding ondergaan, sodat hulle presies kan weet wat van hulle verwag word. Op hierdie manier word onsekerhede uit die weg geruim, want onsekerheid was die grootste probleem waarmee opvoeders te kampe gehad het in die implimentering van die GGBS.
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- Date Issued: 2007
Eksperiment en intertekstualiteit: 'n studie van Ingrid Winterbach se Niggie (2002) en die oorlogsdagboek van Jan F.E. Celliers 1899-1902 (1978), asook ander Anglo-Boereoorlog tekste
- Authors: Botha, Maria Elizabeth
- Date: 2006
- Subjects: Afrikaans fiction -- History and criticism , Winterbach, Ingrid. Niggie , Intertextuality , South African War, 1899-1902 Fiction
- Language: Afrikaans
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:8442 , http://hdl.handle.net/10948/436 , Afrikaans fiction -- History and criticism , Winterbach, Ingrid. Niggie , Intertextuality , South African War, 1899-1902 Fiction
- Description: This study focuses on the creative adaptation of Anglo-Boer War material in Ingrid Winterbach’s (Lettie Viljoen) Niggie [Cousin] (2002) with specific reference to the Oorlogsdagboek van Jan F.E. Celliers, 1899-1902 [War Diary of Jan F.E. Celliers, 1899-1902] (1978) and other texts written during or shortly after the Anglo Boer War in Dutch, such as Totius’ Vier-en-sestig dae te velde: ‘n Oorlogsdagboek [Sixty Four Days Afield: A War Diary] (1977) and in English, Woman’s Endurance (1904) by A.D.L. and Deneys Reitz’s Commando. A Boer Journal of the Boer War (1929). More recent Afrikaans novels dealing with the same war are also analysed, such as Ons oorlog [Our War] (2000) by Klaas Steytler, Op soek na Generaal Mannetjies Mentz [In Search of General Mannetjies Mentz] (1998) by Christoffel Coetzee and Etienne Leroux’s Magersfontein O! Magersfontein (1976). A literary analysis is done of the novel Niggie, with specific focus on the nature and function of Anglo-Boer War material in Winterbach’s text. The question is posed why there is such a sustained focus and creative adaptation of Anglo-Boer War texts in Winterbach’s oeuvre (especially in Belemmering [Impediment], 1990, Karolina Ferreira, 1993, Buller se plan [Buller’s Plan], 1999, and Niggie [Cousin], 2002)? This novel has a profound effect on the reader a century after the war, because it addresses postcolonial issues and predicaments such as a defragmenting identity, as well as the possible demise of the Afrikaans language and culture, faced by the descendants of those involved in the war a century ago. In her reworking of the past to come to grips with the present, Winterbach confronts difficult South African topics, such as interracial relationships, racism, the relationship with the land, possible language death, gender relationships, the role of the supernatural and the unconscious in everyday life (in the form of dreams and trickster figures), amongst many others. The dissertation offers an intertextual study as well as a literary analyses of the literary techniques used, and the characteristics of this magisterial novel, which deservedly won the Hertzog prize in 2004, the highest accolade possible for an Afrikaans novel. The anomaly of such a novel in 2002 seemingly dwelling on the past, is shown up for what it is: a metaphor for the present and its dilemmas, reflecting the social conflicts existing at present in the crumbling Afrikaans community.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2006
- Authors: Botha, Maria Elizabeth
- Date: 2006
- Subjects: Afrikaans fiction -- History and criticism , Winterbach, Ingrid. Niggie , Intertextuality , South African War, 1899-1902 Fiction
- Language: Afrikaans
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:8442 , http://hdl.handle.net/10948/436 , Afrikaans fiction -- History and criticism , Winterbach, Ingrid. Niggie , Intertextuality , South African War, 1899-1902 Fiction
- Description: This study focuses on the creative adaptation of Anglo-Boer War material in Ingrid Winterbach’s (Lettie Viljoen) Niggie [Cousin] (2002) with specific reference to the Oorlogsdagboek van Jan F.E. Celliers, 1899-1902 [War Diary of Jan F.E. Celliers, 1899-1902] (1978) and other texts written during or shortly after the Anglo Boer War in Dutch, such as Totius’ Vier-en-sestig dae te velde: ‘n Oorlogsdagboek [Sixty Four Days Afield: A War Diary] (1977) and in English, Woman’s Endurance (1904) by A.D.L. and Deneys Reitz’s Commando. A Boer Journal of the Boer War (1929). More recent Afrikaans novels dealing with the same war are also analysed, such as Ons oorlog [Our War] (2000) by Klaas Steytler, Op soek na Generaal Mannetjies Mentz [In Search of General Mannetjies Mentz] (1998) by Christoffel Coetzee and Etienne Leroux’s Magersfontein O! Magersfontein (1976). A literary analysis is done of the novel Niggie, with specific focus on the nature and function of Anglo-Boer War material in Winterbach’s text. The question is posed why there is such a sustained focus and creative adaptation of Anglo-Boer War texts in Winterbach’s oeuvre (especially in Belemmering [Impediment], 1990, Karolina Ferreira, 1993, Buller se plan [Buller’s Plan], 1999, and Niggie [Cousin], 2002)? This novel has a profound effect on the reader a century after the war, because it addresses postcolonial issues and predicaments such as a defragmenting identity, as well as the possible demise of the Afrikaans language and culture, faced by the descendants of those involved in the war a century ago. In her reworking of the past to come to grips with the present, Winterbach confronts difficult South African topics, such as interracial relationships, racism, the relationship with the land, possible language death, gender relationships, the role of the supernatural and the unconscious in everyday life (in the form of dreams and trickster figures), amongst many others. The dissertation offers an intertextual study as well as a literary analyses of the literary techniques used, and the characteristics of this magisterial novel, which deservedly won the Hertzog prize in 2004, the highest accolade possible for an Afrikaans novel. The anomaly of such a novel in 2002 seemingly dwelling on the past, is shown up for what it is: a metaphor for the present and its dilemmas, reflecting the social conflicts existing at present in the crumbling Afrikaans community.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2006